[16] Alana: Reflection

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Ok guys this is the last chapter but there will be another book! :D Maybe a bonus chapter, IDK. :3 Happy (late) Thanksgiving + Black Friday! And tomorrow is December! :D

I stand on the bridge, looking out as we continue to travel through space. Ashley walks over by me.

"What just happened?" Ashley asks.

"A typical day on the Enterprise," I answer. "The Romulans have met us and we've completed our mission successfully."

"Wow. Every day something tries to kill you?" She raises an eyebrow. "That's got to get tiresome."

"Just a day in the life." I shrug. "Sometimes it's on a planet. Can't wait to get back to base."

Then the bridge doors open, and I quickly turn my head to Jim.

"Can you not?" Ashley asks. Whoops. That was my hair she hit.

"Unclear," Jim whispers to me before taking his seat in the captain's chair.

Back at the base, Carissa's instantly rushed to the medical center, and more shore leave time is granted. Jim stays in medbay with her, and Ashley and Amber drag me around the base. Bones and I have always brought Jim stuff to eat, because he keeps forgetting. Nothing happens for a few days.

"Alana?" he asks one day. I don't even know what day it is. Tuesday? Wednesday? Saturday?

"Yeah?" I answer quietly.

"I'm going to the bar. Do you want to come with?" he asks.

"Sure." I nod, standing up with him. This is the first time I've seen him look so defeated. I think he truly loves her, but is afraid of losing her.

"Alright, go get dressed. I'll pick you up in ten." He drops me off at my room before walking into his next door.

I don't have any formal or clubbing outfits. However I do have heeled wedge ankle boots (for absolutely no reason), which I change into.

When Jim walks back over he's dressed in a black leather jacket and normal shirt with black pants. "Alana? Do you not have a dress?"*

I give him this look, rolling my eyes. "Why would I? I'd never get to wear it. Isn't that the point?"

Jim sighs, walking into my room and looking in my closet. "We've got to fix this. You've got your uniforms and two normal shirts."

"Three, counting this one," I reply, taking off my Starfleet Academy sweatshirt.

Technically, I'm an ensign and not a cadet, but I get to learn on the ship. Who knows I may not graduate and get a ship like Jim. I also get to be an acting ensign (and lieutenant commander in the Save Jim's Butt For The Second Time In One Week mission.) (Yes, I also had to pass the entrance exam, which was actually kind of easy because I listened in on classes as a kid.)

He laughs for the first time in awhile before grabbing my arm. "We'll fix that tomorrow. But first, I need a drink. And you need to get out."

"Says the one cooped up in medbay for the past few days," I mutter. "I've been out, you haven't."

"Wait, didn't Amber and Ashley take you shopping one day?" Jim gives me a look. "And you didn't buy a dress?"

"Number one, I don't have money. Number two, I did see some cute ones, but, like I said, I never get chances to wear them." I shrug.

"Whatever." He shrugs. "Wait, who's your legal guardian?"

"Probably you. I don't even know." I sigh. "Maybe I'm my own legal guardian."

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