Chapter 6 - Aching Bodies

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Josh's POV:

I woke up to Tyler screaming. I got up and ran down to the room Elianna was in. I slow down in my tracks and cross my arms with a light smirk. I see Elianna on the floor and Tyler sat next to her,her head in his lap. 

"Come on,Elli! Wake up,darling!" He shouted,shaking her.


"So you caved? You finally showed her that she can't just run away without being punished for it when caught?" I ask with a light chuckle.

"N-no! This was not me,Josh! I would never . . .oh God. What have I done?" Tyler murmured sadly,his voice shaking.

"Then who was it? Casper? Good job,Tyler. I think she deserved it. Don't feel bad. We told her not to run away yet she tried it anyways. You were just doing the logical thing." I explained,giving him a soft pat on the back.

"No! She didn't deserve this. She was literally just sleeping. She didn't do anything! She didn't deserve this." He shouts at me, his eyes looking like glass. He just stared at her. I grin a bit. She got what she deserved. She ran away knowing we warned her not to. Her breathing was slow but subtle. I shake my head slowly.

"Come on,man! Just go to bed! You will feel better if you sleep on it. You won't care tomorrow,I can guarantee it." I assure him and walk him out of the room. I try to stop him from looking at her once more but he does it anyways. He winced as I shut the door and locked it. He walks away,pushing me lightly. He slams his bedroom door. I sigh and run a hand through my hair roughly. I walk to my room and lay down. I am proud of Tyler for standing his ground. I really am. I fall asleep with a slight grin on my face. 

Elianna's POV:

I wake up. My body is sore and I can't really move. My body is aching. I sit up slowly,holding my head. I feel around on my head and find an open wound. It was a gash in my head. How did this get here? I don't even remember what happened after I fell asleep. I look down and see blood. No matter how much it hurts, I stand up quickly. My eyes are wide and my jaw is left dangling. Is . . . is that my blood? No, no it can't be. I don't remember bleeding. The door swings open and I see Josh.

"Good morning,Elli!" he grins and sees my reaction to the blood. He fake pouted at me and I rolled my eyes lightly at his fake pity. He stepped closer to me,pushing me against the wall roughly.

"Don't roll your eyes. Now . . . I said . . . Good morning,Elli." He growled lowly. I wince.

"G-good morning,Josh." I gulped softly. He backed away with a grin and put a hand under my chin,forcing me to look up at him. He flashed a soft smile and took my hand,walking me out of the room. He kept hold of my hand, walking me to the kitchen. He sat me down at the table,placing a plate and a glass of juice in front of me. I pushed the plate away,crossing my arms. I would not eat. Not for them. I won't eat the food they make. Josh pushed the plate back forwards. I shake my head.

"Eat." He demanded. I shake my head. No. I am not eating. Not for you. Not for Tyler. Not for anyone. Not happening

"Elianna . . . don't play games,now. Eat!" He screamed,slamming his fists down on the table. I think even Tyler flinched. I remain silent,arms crossed. I stare at the table until a hand grips my hair,pulling downwards. My head falls back as I look Josh in the eyes. 

"You will eat. You will not refuse to eat. You will be thankful and you will not be disrespectful about it! Got that?" He asked,throwing my head forwards. I stop myself from hitting my head on the table and then nod. I begin to eat slowly and once I reached half way,I pushed the plate away.

"Elli . . . please finish your food." Tyler puts his hand on top of mine with a smile. I shrug and begin to eat again. I finish the food that I was given and push the plate away for a final time. What,they gonna make me lick it clean,too? I get up and walk back down to the room I was in last night. I say nothing but I keep going. I walk into the room and hear footsteps following after me. Oh,God. How I hate those footsteps. I turn around and there stands an angry Josh and a pleading Tyler.

"Josh,come on! Stop! She is just tired and doesn't feel good and she is probably sore! Please. Don't hurt her!" Tyler tried holding him back. He stormed over to me angrily,his fist making contact with my stomach. I crumble into a ball. He grabs my hair,yanking me up. I shake my head softly,my eyes having a look that was asking him to stop. He didn't take the hint. His hand went across my face but his grip on my hair remains. I cried softly,hands shaking.

"P-please stop,Josh! I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to be alone!" I beg. He pulls his arm back and throws a punch. I fall to the floor,my face in my hands. Tyler yanks him off of me.

"If you were sorry,you wouldn't keep making the stupid mistakes you do!" Josh spat angrily and pushed Tyler away,storming off. Tyler ran over and dropped to his knees,stroking my hair.

"E-Elli? Are you alright?" He asks. I could feel his hands shaking against my hair. I nod slowly,opening my mouth to say something but nothing but air comes out. I wince softly and Tyler wraps his arms around me. All I can find myself doing is shaking my head, my face buried in his chest. He continues to stroke my hair,whispering into my ear.

"It will be okay. I wish I could let you go but I can't. I can't and you know it. You and I both know it. If I could I would. It will be okay. He just gets mad and you know that. You have to be careful with what you do or say. I have to go for right now . . . I will be back later. Okay?" Tyler whispers soothingly. I nod slowly as he nods and gets up,walking away. I watch and listen as he closes the door,locking it. I throw my head in my hands and just shake my head. 

I should have never went into those stupid woods. This is not how I wanted to meet my favorite band. Not how I wanted things to go. Not at all. If I could only go back in time . . . go back and stop myself from venturing into those woods. If I could run away before I saw anything. Would they have still chased after me though? 

Tyler's POV:

I had to take my mind off of things. I realized that Elli never got her things from the mall so I decided to go by myself and get them. I arrived at the mall and kept my head low. I can't have any distractions. I head for the stores,heading first to Hot Topic. 

I walk in and look around. But what things would she like? What size does she wear? I look over and see our band merch. I grin a bit and grab a couple different shirts. I then walk over and find some ripped,black skinny jeans and grab those. I grab mediums because I don't know what size she wears so I hope they fit.

I find a package of cute bracelets that I figure she will like considering she wears bracelets. I pay for those and then head to another store. I get her the things she will need like perfume,lotion, facial products,body wash, hair care products, etc. Paying for those, I am off to yet another store. I really hope she likes everything. I really do.

I finally got her everything she would need after about 2 hours of shopping. Some of the things I had to buy her were awkward on my end so I just said they were for my girlfriend who was sick so she couldn't go out. I get in my car and head off home. Once I arrived at the house, I grabbed the bags and inch towards the front door. I walk in,closing the door with my foot behind me. I nearly trip over something. Looking down, I see her school bag. I frown a bit and head towards her room. 

As I walk in, I see her sitting against the wall,knees hugged to her chest and head resting on her knees. Her hair fallen over her face. Her bruised and cut up,fragile face. Her pale and beautiful face. I shake my head at the damage done. I walk over to her and place a hand on her shoulder, shaking her softly. She wakes up quickly and flinches.

"Oh . . . hi,Tyler." She gave a small smile.

"Hello,darling! I got you a few things." I smile. She waits for me to show her and I grab the loads of bags,moving them in front of her. She smiles and throws her arms around me.

"Thank you." She whispered. I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes. I don't say anything and we sit there for a while. I smile a small smile and pull away. I nod and walk out,giving her time because trust me, at this point . . . Time was all we had. 

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