Chapter 25 - But We're So Cold

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Josh's POV

When Autumn and I got home from exploring and shopping in Paris, we noticed that Tyler and Elianna were gone. I look around for them but they are nowhere to be found. I decided to text him. 

Spooky Jim: Hey. If you don't tell me where you are, you're out of the band.

Tyjo: No. Josh,, don't do this. 

Spooky Jim: You're out of the band if you don't tell me . . . and bring me home food. My stomach is all rumbly 'n stuff.

Tyjo: Done deal. What do you want? And I was out with Elli.

Spooky Jim: Alright well hurry back . . .I miss you. And find me a Taco Bell or I will shoot up a graveyard.

Tyjo: Everyone in a graveyard is dead . . .

Spooky Jim: Exactly. I will tell them to keep quiet and nobody gets hurt. Get it? Because they're dead . . . they can't do anything. They can't get hurt . . . I can't hurt them?
Tyjo: Yeah . . . yeah I got it. You're out of the band. Got to go. In a funnel . . .

Spooky Jim: Funnel?

Tyjo: Darn itttt! **Tunnel. Bye!

I laugh at his childish idiocy. Not in a mean way. But in a best friend kind of way. I set my phone down for a moment and it chimes again. I look down at the newly lit up screen. I had a text message. To be completely honest, I was fully expecting it to be Tyler. But it wasn't. 

The screen name read: Beebo

That's weird. What would Brendon want? I pick the phone up hesitantly, punching in my password. 

Beebo: Hey, Josh. How was tour?

Spooky Jim: Was?

Beebo: Or is . . . not like I know or anything. 

Spooky Jim: Okay . . . it's fine. We are just in Paris for another week or two.

Beebo: No way! I am too! How ironic.

Spooky Jim: Yeah. . . well what did you need?

Beebo: I was wondering if we could all hang out sometime.

Spooky Jim: "We all?" 

Beebo: You, your girl, Tyler, Elianna . . . me. I don't know, thought it would be nice to kind of . . . catch up.

Spooky Jim: When are we talking here?

Beebo: Tomorrow? At . . . let's say 5 P.M? 

Spooky Jim: Why all of the sudden?

Beebo: Oohh, no reason. Anyways, you guys in?

Spooky Jim: Yeah, we're down. See you tomorrow. Bye.

Beebo: Yeah, you will. Bye, DJ Spooky!

That was random. And very odd. Why did he just randomly want to hang out? Why did he keep using ellipsis'? Oh well . . . I am probably just overthinking this. He most likely saw Ty and Elli or Autumn and I somewhere and forgot to say hi. Yeah . . . yeah! That was what I was going with.

Eventually, Tyler and Elianna walked in. She ran in and walked over to Autumn. She pulled her into the other room and said something that made them both squeal. Whatever it was must have been amazing. I look at Tyler after finishing off a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. 

"So," I began, cutting myself off with a sip of my Coke. "Brendon texted me earlier." 

"Oh? Well what did you guys talk about? Talk about how you were out of the band?" Tyler questioned, joking. He laughed but I didn't. My face remained straight. "This must be serious?" 

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