chapter 2

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I wake up with a blond haired boy laying next to me. He looks at me, calmly, with golden yellow eyes.
"Hello there sunshine! Had a nice nap?" Bill asks, with a smile on his face.
I chuckle as he pokes my nose. "Yah. I'm not that tired anymore."
"That's good! Wanna help me make cookies with your sister? She's helping me bake!" Bill sits up on the bed. I nod, and smile weakly.
"I'll make sure she won't burn down the shack. I'm not much of a baker." I jokingly push him off the bed.
"Aww! Come on, Pine Tree! You can try! Mabel says it's fun!" Bill gets up off the floor.
"No, no. It's ok. I'm gonna watch! I'll still be there." I get off the bed.
"Fine. But you will try them after, and before the cookies are done!" He pouts. I put my arm around his shoulders as we head to the kitchen. As we walk, I blink once then the floor suddenly is in sight.
"DIPPER!" I hear Bill shout. Darkness suddenly starts to blur my vision, causing me to close my eyes.
We where walking twards the kitchen, when Dipper went limp and falls on the floor.
"Shooting Star! Mabel come help!" I shout. Mabel rushes over to us.
"What happened? I heard a thud, and heard you scream for me! Did something happen?" Mabel gasps in pure shock, after seeing her brother on the floor.
"I don't know what happened. He just dropped!" I worriedly state, hoping she knew what was wrong with him.
"I'm gonna call an ambulance. Put him on the couch, so he can doesn't get hurt." Mabel runs over to the house phone, and immediately dials 911. I pick Dipper up, and bring him over to the couch. I bring him a blanket, just in case he is somehow cold.
Mabel rushes over to us. "They are gonna be here in a little bit. Can you tell me anything that could have caused him to faint?" Mabel begs.
"I-I can't tell you anything... he was just sleeping! He didn't really seem hurt!"
"N-Nothing...? H-He didn't say that he was sick or anything?" She was close to tears.
"He did say that the dream realm was more peaceful then reality... I thought that he ment reality could get crazy some times! I didn't think that he was saying he was better sleeping then awake..." I look down at my little Pine Tree, hoping he would wake up soon.
"You really are trying, aren't you?" Mabel asks. I turn back to her.
"What do you mean?"
"You have tears running down your face! You care a lot about Dipper, don't you?" She nearly screams. I nod, blushing slightly.
"I wanted to change... in fact," I pull out a little box from my pocket, "I-I was gonna ask him to marry me..." Mabel gasps.
"Y-You where?" Tears ran down her face. "No wonder you came into the bedroom. You hardly go in there, unless Dipper's there!"
"I-I just wish I told him sooner... Instead, I told him I was making cookies with you."
"You where gonna. You said you would try to get him to join us!"
"I did! He only wanted to watch though..."
"He is a bad cook!" We laugh.
"Bill..." Mabel looks down at the floor. "I-I... Thank you."
"For what?" Look up at her.
"For everything... especially being there for Dipstic."
"I love him. I would put my life on the line, if it ment protecting him."
The ambulance drives in front of the shack. They get Dipper out of the shack and into the ambulance. I join them in the truck, and Mabel drives behind us. Dipper is wheeled into a room, and I am told to stay outside the door. After about 5 minutes, Mabel runs up to me.
"Bill! How's Dipper?" I ask Bill as I run into the ER.
"We just got here not to long ago. I don't know how he's doing yet..." Bill responds, sadly.
"I-It'll be ok. He always gets better. He will get better!" I try to reassure myself from what could possibly happen to Dipper. He needs to. I need him to! He needs to for himself! We need you bro-bro... you need to get better. I sink to the floor with tears streaming down my face.
"Don't worry, Shooting Star. He'll be ok. He will, hopefully..." Bill sits next to me and hugs me tightly.
««※ Time Skip ※»»
It's been a week now, and the doctors still won't let us see him.
"Just let him rest a few more days. We will see him in time." Bill reassures me. I lay my head on Bill's shoulder.
"I just miss him so much. He should have said something if he felt sick or something!" Tears start to blur my vision once again. Keep strong, Mabel. You need to be strong for Dipper now. For Dipper...
"Don't rely on the past, Mabel... He probably didn't want us to worry." Bill pets my hair.
"I know... he probably would be right, to. I would do anything in my power to heal him."
"That's a sign of true loyalty. Dipper would do the same for you to. No matter what, he puts family first."
"He would do anything for me, and I haven't done enough for him. I should have helped him. I should have made him better. But... now he's in a hospital, possibly dieing, and I can't do anything for him." I couldn't hold back the tears.
"Hush little Shooting Star. It's ok! He is very persistent. He tries, kind of, too hard on protecting people. Also, he has a hard time trusting others. Remember that one time when he disabled my powers for a year, just to see if I could really be good?" I chuckle at his joke.
"Yah! I remember! Remember that time when he locked us in a closet, protected by a spell, just so we wouldn't get bitten by one of the Soothsquitos that where infesting our house?" Now, Bill started laughing!
"Yah! Those where good times."
««※ 4 days before ※»»
Everything around me was completely black. Nothing, as far as I could see, had any sign of life.
Did I die? I need to get back to Mabel, and Bill! They need me! I can't die now! Not yet, anyways...
I suddenly feel myself get pulled out of the place I was in. My eyes shoot open, and see doctors around me. I try to move, but a doctor holds me down.
"M-Mabel...? Where are you?" I ask, looking around the room.
"Honey... your family is outside this room. We couldn't let them In, not now anyways." One of the doctors says to me.
"But I need to see them! Let me go!" I worriedly state. Suddenly, I started coughing. "W-What H...Happened...?" I could barely breath!
"You fainted. You are really sick! We can't have you leave just yet." The Doctor that held me down on the bed backed away, and let the younger one come up to me.
"I-I can't have them find out... they would be devastated. Will I be ok to go home with some medicine when I get a bit better? I need to be there for them." I plead.
"Yes... actually. But, sir. You will only have so long. You can't keep up the act forever. Some day you'll have to tell them. Some day, you won't be able to keep them safe." Another doctor holding a clipboard says.
"Just as long as I get a little more time with my family..."
««※ Present Day ※»»
"Are you sure your ready, sir? You-" the nurse says.
"Yes. I am more then ready!" I interrupt.
"Ok. I'll let them in." She leaves the room.
"He's in there." The nurse says. The door opens, and Mabel and Bill walk in.
"Hey guys!" I smile at them.
"How ya feeling, DipDop?" Mabel asks, happily.
"I'm doing good! They said I got dehydrated and passed out on the floor." They probably would take my lie.
"That explains why you fainted! I'm glad you aren't really badly sick." Bill says, relieved.
"I can come home soon! They said I could, but I will have to take medicine while I'm there."
"You can!" Mabel and Bill yell.
"Yep! And it won't be long, I don't think!"
"That's wonderful! I get my bro-bro back!" Mabel hugs me tightly, tears streaming down her face.
"I get to see you guys finally! I missed you so much!" I let a few tears slip.
"Pine Tree. Can I ask you something...?" Bill hesitantly asks. Mabel gets off the bed, and steps aside.
"What's wrong?" I look at him quizzically. Bill starts to blush.
"Well... we have known each other for a while now, and you have learned to trust me. You've been there with me through thick and thin."
"Very thick." I chuckle, and start to blush as well.
"I-I Just wanted to ask... Dipper Pines.
"Will you marry me...?" Bill holds out a diamond and sapphire encrusted ring, and gets on one knee. H-He proposed to me...?
"Y-Yes!" Tears stream down my face. Bill takes the ring out of the box, and puts it on my ring finger.
"I love you, Pine Tree!" Bill smiles up at me. I blush deeply, and kiss him.
"Aww! This is such an adorable moment!" Mabel laughs. I pull away from Bill, and look at her. She's crying? Mabel never crys! "What? I cry at weddings! This was technically one, so I have a reason!" She pouts, noticing my quizzical reaction.

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