Chapter 2

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Jason/violet pov
As soon ad we walk in de school matt an i get attackt in a group hug by our friends. "Omg how was your vacation violet?" Katya screams into my ear. "Great but I'm not deaf you cunt" I chuckle. Everybody starts talking to each other and I just look at our group. We have detox, willam, shane(Courtney),justin(Alaska), brian(trixie) ,Katya, roy(Bianca) and danny(adore). "Hey have on of you guys seen kurtis?" I ask, before they could give me a awnser i hear somebody scream "HERE AM I BITCH, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH JASON COME HERE AND GIMME A HUG!" Kurtis yells. I run to kurtis and attack him in a hug. "Omg i MISSED you so much you have no idea" i tell him. We walk back to our group, and willam starts talking "let's have a  sleepover tonight". "Yeah why not" we all say, " be right back" Matt says. "Where you going?" I ask, "toilets" he says and walks away. I turn back to the group and see them al starring at me, "whaaat why are you starring? Its creepy." I say. "Have you told Matt that you liked him?" Danny says, "no" i mumble and i feel myself blussing. "When are you going to tell him?" Detox ask, "yeah i mean it's a miracel that he still doesn't know you like him."katya says. "Uhu every person on this school even knows it." Kurtis says. "Hey im back" Matt says, thans god i think to myself. We hear the Bell and we walk to our class
<time skip after school>
"So see you guys tonight at my house okay?" willam says, and we all nod yes and go seperate ways. Matt and i walk to my moms car an get in. "So how was te first day of school?" My mom asks, "boring" we both say and we laugh. "He mom can you drop us at willam tonight?" "Ofcoursr honey" my mom says. "Hey Matt wanna stay at our house so we can go to willam togheter?" "Yeah okay" he awnsers. When we arrive at our house Matt and i go upstairs and just talk about the vacation untill it's time to go to willam.

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