Why In The Name Of Godric Do I Look Like Blaise Zabini?!

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Hermione's P.O.V

I wake up with a start. 'Just a dream!' I think to myself. Right. Just a dream.

But was it?

I dreamt, or rather, remembered, being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. I feel like I can still feel the white-hot needles of pain shooting all over my body. Or am I imagining it? 'Yes, of course I am, don't be stupid Hermione' I internally scold myself for being idiotic. Although, it does feel like my body is on bloody fire.

Oh well.

I get out of bed and choose a pair of burganday skinny jeans, a white, frill-bottomed top that shows off what little curves I have, and a pair of leopard print flats. I then scoop my black-framed glasses off the bedside table and head to my en-suite for a shower to freshen up.

As I stand washing my hair, I stop and think to myself: 'hang on, is my hair longer?' 'And straighter?' No. It's not, I'm being stupid. Aren't I? Yes, yes I am.

I step out of the shower and dry myself with my wand, then I get dressed into my outfit of choice, it feels a bit tight but not enough to be uncomfortable, it's fine.

Then I look in the mirror.

"Mum! Mum! Mum!" I shout very loudly.
"Hermione?! What is it dear?!" She screams.
"Mum! Mum come here! Quick!" I cry,
"I'm coming up as fast as I can honey!' She says.
"Ahhhh Mum, please! It's hurting so bad!" I scream as I feel the pain return.
"Hermione?! I'm coming up!" 'Wait a minute, that's not my mother, it's my father!'
"Dad! Please! Hurry! Ow!" I'm crying by now.
"I'm coming as quick as possible honey!" He shouts whilst running up our many, many, flights of stairs. (My room is on the top floor of our seven storey house.)
"Ow!" I drop the floor screaming as pain and blackness take over my body.

"Hermione?!" I only just hear my father say before I pass out all together.

Hermione....... Zabini?! ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now