Explanations and Emotions

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Hermione/ Eve's P.O.V

I wake up, slowly opening my eyes. I look down and see that my clothes are ripped in many different places and I am covered with a dressing gown and a quilt. 'Great! There goes my favourite outfit!' Hang on, why are my clothes ripped.

It all comes back to me at once.

The screams, the pain, the look.

Oh Godric the look!

Do I still look like that?!

I try to stand up but feel a strong but kind hand push me back down slowly. I push myself up into a sitting position and look up to see Blaise Zabini sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"What in Godric's name are you doing here?!"
"Aw don't be like that sis." He says sympathetically, then clamps a hand over his mouth. Almost like he'd given something away.

Wait, what did he call me?!

"I am not your sister!" I say, my voice wavering slightly.
"My name is Hermione Jean Granger! Muggleborn and The Brightest Witch of Our Age!" I shout, unable to control my anger any longer. It is only now that I realise my voice has changed, where it used to be quite high pitched and shrill, it is now quite husky and mysterious. Must just be all the screaming and shouting.

"Wait a minute, why are you in my house, let alone my bedroom!"
"Uh.... Well.....You see..... It's like this...."

Blaise then goes on to explain everything: I am in fact not muggleborn, but a pureblood, my real name is Eve Aria Sophie Zabini,  I am Blaise' long-lost twin and finally that I'm safe now so there's no need to hide my true identity anymore.

"Yeah sis?'
"If I'm a pureblood.... Then why did I live with muggles? And why are you not somewhere else too?" I ask uncertainly.
"Because.....  Voldemort already knew about me." He mumbles, sadness in his voice.
"Oh..... Well I'm sorry about that." I reply, sad too.
"What is my name again?" I ask, laughing to try and lighten his mood.
"Eve.... Aria.... Sophie.... Zabini." He says, like he's talking to a toddler.
"Hey! I'm not a baby!" I say, a pout on my face.
"Your face says otherwise." He says, and we burst out laughing together.
"See this? This is making up for lost time!" He says happily, still laughing.
"Definitely!" I say back, very happy to fit in at last.


Hermione....... Zabini?! ON HOLDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora