Chapter 10: The Plan.

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***Twilight's POV***

I sighed as i walked down the hallway to my room with Berry. He looked at me with his Beautiful on his face, and i look into his eyes.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I replied.

It's been a month since that amazing night he confessed his love for me. I wanted to tell him earlier than that but, I'm just happy that I'm with him now.

We continued to my room, my head on his shoulder as we walked. when we got to my room, he kissed me goodbye and walked back down the hallway.

I opened my door and laid down on my bed. I hugged my pillow with a smile on my face. "He's the one."

***Berry's POV***

"I love her" I said silently to myself. I continued down the hallway I just came from. My mind decided to wander.

**Berry's Flashback**

It was a Friday, school just got out and i was walking my girlfriend back to her house. We walked holding each hands and talking to each other. To others she wasn't pretty, but to me she was gorgeous. She wasn't the girly type, but was smart and mildly athletic. We reached her house and i kissed her goodbye. "love you" we both said to each other. And I walked back home.

**Berry's Flashback over**

I almost cried as I walked but, i forced myself not to. "i have Twilight, and I won't lose her. I'll make sure i'll do everything right." I was determined. I had a plan for tomorrow. I got to my room and laid down on my bed. "She's the one" i said to myself.

***The next day early in the morning***

I woke up two hours earlier than Twilight. I trotted to the castle's kitchen. I walked in to see the chef and cooks at work for the Royal's breakfast. "Excuse me," I said as I walked up to the chef. He was a Griffin with a French accent.

"What iz et? He asked. (Sorry for my poor French accent)

"I was wondering if we could make this," I said, handing him a recipe. "For Princess Twilight Sparkle." He looked the recipe over and then looked the recipe over and then looked at me.

"Yes I will agree to dis" He finally replied. He called over two other ponies and had them begin on the food.

"Thank you!" I then, left out of the castle and went to the local flower shop, and i grabbed a bouquet of roses. Afterwards i went to the jewelry shop and got a beautiful diamond necklace. I went back to the castle with just 30 minutes left to spare. I ran to the kitchen and set the roses in a vase were Twilight normally sits. I set the diamond ring in a small black box and his it in my tail. (I learned how to do this last week). I went to Twilight's room and knocked on her door, 10 minutes after she was awake.

"coming!" I heard her say from inside. She opened the door, "Hey sweetie, what are you doing up this early?" She asked.

"nothing much, just wanted to walk you to breakfast," I told her.

"well let's go then," she replied as she walked past me.

I smiled and then followed her.

We got to the Dining room and the two Princesses were already there, "good morning Princesses," we both said.

"Good morning Berry," Celestia replied to me, and gave me a small smile.

"Good morning," Luna replied.

I walked Twilight to her seat and pulled the chair out for her.

"why thank you Berry," She cooed. I kissed her on the cheek and sat down in my seat. I waited for a minute until the servants came out with the food, out came Celestia's plate, Luna's plate, my plate, and finally Twilight's plate. Her plate had two pancakes with strawberries, whipped cream, butter, and syrup. She stared at her plate, then at me. "did you have something to do with this?" She questioned me with a smile on her face.

"I might have," I said teasingly.

"well whoever did, It was the nicest thing anypony has done for me,"

After Breakfast, she took the roses back to her room and set them on her dresser. I took her out into the gardens, we walked through the maze and made to the center of the maze. We sat on a bench until Luna rose the moon. "there's something I want to show you," I told her

"ok," She replied.

I got up and my horn began to glow, There was a flash of light, and I spread my butterfly wings. She looked at me with wide eyes. I reached my hoof out to her. "Will you come with me?" I asked her. I saw her eyes sparkle as she took my hoof.

We soared into the sky, flying as high as we dared. We flew above the clouds and watched the moon as we flew. Eventually we got tired and I took her to a cloud just big enough for two. Obviously Pegasi or Alicorns can stand on clouds, so me, being a Unicorn, I casted a spell on me so i didn't fall through the clouds.

"Twilight," I said to her in a whisper.


"there's something I'd like to give you" I turned around and pulled the Black box out of my tail and opened it for her to see. Her eyes sparkled again, and she had tears in her eyes as she eyed the necklace. "I love you Twilight, I always will."

By then she had tears rolling down her cheeks, "B-Berry, This... i-is the nicest thing a-anypony has ever done f-for me-e." She told me as she cried (tears of joy).

"Here let me," I put the necklace around her neck. She smiled at me her eyes still watering.

"I love you too Berry," She pulled me into a hug, then kissed me passionately. We cuddled each other until we both fell asleep on the cloud.

A/N: again hope you guys are living this story! Don't forget to comment and vote for my story! Love you guys 030

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