3. A 'cheesy' love story.

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Yo, hey.  I'm Finn, just changed my name from Faith, I'm the same person. *finger guns* How... you've been doing? Sorry for procrastinating, but I have a buttload of cheesecake to make up for it! *Laughs nervously* Btw, to avoid confusion: Tikki goes by they/them, Plagg by he/him. They look somewhat like the picture, but you might as well ignore the media.

-Yes!- Marinette whooped, her big blue eyes shining with anticipation. Alya laughs at this, amused at the raven-haired gal's animated manners.

-I'll admit; I'm curious as well.- Allegra added while sitting down next to the rest of the girls, who were all huddled up in the bed, eating and cuddling casually. Sure, they may be dangerous criminals; however, they were also teenagers, and sometimes acted like them.

Tikki sighs at the eagerness of all their friends, then, they close their eyes and begins their precious story to their beloved friends;


It was 3 AM and Plagg was tired. Fluorescent lights burnt his eyes in the most unpleasant of ways, his lids would close by themselves, and the radio currently playing was painfully bad. Working at a 24 hrs. store sucked. Plus, sure, working night shifts meant not having to deal with angry soccer moms or hyperactive children; nevertheless, it meant having barely a blink of sleep, stressed grad students and druggies. -'Fun, fun, fun'- Plagg thinks bitterly before taking another sip of his coffee and a bite of his cheese.

The air seemed stale and he could hear a slight thundering outside of "Miraculous World"; a storm had started about an hour ago and by the looks of it, by the time he finally got to go home he would arrive drenched. Just great. Really, no matter if he got fired, he was thinking that maybe he could lock up the store and take a power nap. That plan seemed almost perfect if it wasn't for some asshole that thinks that entering the installment completely soaked when he was so tired was acceptable.

He boredly turns his head to the side and sees a cute stranger, with what seems porcelain for skin and bright fire for hair, Plagg slightly considers that this person might not be that bad if they are so beautiful. Even when drenched.

-Yo, you okay?- Plagg adds unemotionally while playing with a strand of his dark hair that he plucked out to use as a string. The stranger's eyes meet his and he notices them be a warm brown, they blush once they realize they have barged in quite rudely.

-Yes, sorry. Storm, out there, pretty bad. Had to run.- Tikki explains to the cute cashier their situation between pants, exhausted from running so long from the rain trying to find an open place so late at night. They smile lightly at the clerk sheepishly, next, rush to a corner of the store to find something cheap enough to buy as an excuse to be there.

Plagg shrugs and continues to fight against his sleepiness, browsing some random magazine about lawn mowers Jerry left behind (he wasn't really sure why Jerry liked so much the machines, but he wasn't about to question it when the guy carried a machete around). Plagg wonders if the handsome new arrival will be entertaining because anything that will take him out of his boredness is pretty welcome right now. Better if they like cheese, which may be an obsession of his.

Meanwhile, Tikki, while taking 2 boxes of strawberry flavored pocky, ask themselves how are they going to manage to find the courage to ask the attractive worker to stay; there wasn't a chance they were heading back to the storm from hell again. They curse inwardly at their awkwardness and shy nature; the task at hand seems pretty much impossible for their skills. However, it's not like they have a choice, not when their muddy shoes and wet socks will get worse once they goes outside.  They shiver; partially at the idea, and to a degree blaming the AC from the store, geez, who likes this cold?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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