Day 1- Sunday

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Hi, my names Kyle, and welcome to my life. So I decided to start a journal and write down my life because who knows, maybe I'll end up famous and someone will want to read my life. However, I'll probably just end up saving this to look back and see what I was like as a 16 year old. As they say, this is the best time of your life, so maybe something interesting will happen in this book. Today's Sunday and that means tomorrow is school again, which I wish I never had to go to. School is so boring and everything they teach us I feel like I will never need. After all why would I need to know how cells work and what all the little things in it do if I just want to go into the Army Special Forces. Anyway, I'm getting pretty tired so I'm gonna go to sleep now. I'll tell you all about school tomorrow when I get home. Night journal.

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