Fragile boy

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Many know me as a loser. Someone who doesn't take many risk or goes out much. My parents say that the world is a dangerous place for boys like me. My whole life I've been treated like a doll. A doll so fragile that with just one drop I'll break. But I don't believe that the world is that tuff. I mean there's good people in this world right ? Well I mean other than the jocks that make fun of my "girly style"...
So what ? Yeah I like to dress girly, I don't know how that makes me a bad person. And so what I like...the colors pink and like to fantasize about Harry Styles...ahh Harry
What a dream boat. You might have the idea that I'm attracted to men. If you do then you're correct. My parents know about me being attracted to men. My mother accepted me and loved me more than ever but my farther was disgusted and left us alone. Who needs him anyway ?
I better go to sleep now, tomorrow is Wednesday
Good night world
Good night Harry styles, my love

You groan and roll around you're bed
Then you hear foot steps getting louder and louder
"Baekhyung hurry breakfast is getting cold," she said picking up some dirty clothes off the ground
"Can I skip school today," you say
I like school very much
Only I'm not popular
I don't fit in...
"No Baekyun. Look I know it's hard dealing with all the mean jerks but don't let them get to you sweetie," she said rubbing my pale cheek
You sigh and give her a soft smile
She smiles back and heads down stairs
You make you're bed and change into some comfortable clothing
Today I wore a baby blue pocket shirt with  blue shorts that stop at my knee
I fix my hair and do everything else I need to do
Once done I sprayed to baby perfume
I know it's weird
But I really love the scent of baby perfume
I grave my bag and rush down stairs
You sit down and eat the breakfast
"So I got an email from the school," my mother said resting her face on her palm
"What did it say," you asked
"Apparently y'all are getting a new student," she said
You sighed
"Hopefully it's not another jock or perky cheerleader," you said
You're mother laughs a bit
"The principal said that you were choose to give the new student a tour of the school," she said
You smiled
"Nice," you said
You finally finished
Then rushing to the door and yelling a goodbye to you're mother
You didn't have a car.
And you didn't like riding the bus.
So you rode you're pastel brown bike .
People saw me as a loser riding a bike
But I thought I looked badass.
You finally got to school and parked your bike fixing you're backpack and glasses
All the jerks looked at you and gave you nasty faces
You looked down trying to avoid their meanness
You rushed to Mr. Kings class
"Mr. King I'm here to tour the new student," you said
He smiles
"Ah yes he's up front go show him around," he said . You smiled and left the class room. You walked up front and saw a very tall kid. I couldn't fully see his face tho. You opened the door and bowed to the parents. "Mrs. and Mr.Park this is Baekyun he will be helping out you're son," the principle said. You shook their hands and gave them a friendly smile. Mrs. Park looked a bit old but still seemed very bold and Mr. Park seemed like a busy office man. Then you saw a tall boy looking down blushing majorly. "Chanyeol don't be rude," Mrs. Park said. Chanyeol looked up and met eyes with mine. Lord Jesus he's so cute. You gulped and shook his hand. "Off y'all go now," said the principal. You nodded and went off with Chanyeol. It was very awkward. "Soo-um Chanyeol uh how-well," you said awkwardly. He laughs. "Hi," he then said
You smiled and said hey back

 "So do you mind telling me a few things about yourself," you said

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"So do you mind telling me a few things about yourself," you said. He's smiles," I like Star Wars, I got bullied a lot at my old school, and I hate jocks."
You smiled very big. "Me to, I get bullied to...," you said looking down. He sighs. "Then maybe we'll get along perfectly fine," he said. You smiled. "Can I see you're schedule," you asked. He handed you the paper. "I have three classes with you." you said. He smiled. Y'all were finally done with the tour. "Ok well um I have math right now but meet me at locker 345 it's on the left in the main hall," you said running off. He smiles.
He's cute
He seems fragile
Like me
But we both have cracks
I could tell
We both get punched
We both get Mis treated
I hope we can help heal each other...

You opened the door to math
Everyone stared at you
Uh, all the seats are taken. Which means I have to sit with all the jocks in the back. You sigh and trip over Jackson's foot. Jackson Wang, it the biggest jerk you'll ever meet. He's been my bully ever since freshmen year. "Watch it nerd,"he said laughing. You sigh and take a seat. You're face was probably a light pink shade but I got used to this. It becomes an every day thing. The teacher goes on about the lesson. Of course you were paying attention but the jocks kept talking and the cheerleaders couldn't stop gossiping. You roll you're eyes and try to listen. "Who are you to roll you're eyes," this one girl said. Shit. You gulp and look down. "Mind telling us why you rolled you're eyes," Jackson said. You sighed and didn't reply back. "Hey answer me," he then said in a angrily voice. "Y'all were making noise and I couldn't-um-I couldn't um I couldn't listen properly," you said. They all laugh. They turn back around and leave you alone. I took a deep breath and thanked the God. Finally the class went by and the bell rang. I was walking to my locker and then my eyes couldn't focus very well. My heart stopped beating for a moment. My legs were shaking, I had goose bumps trailing all the way down my body. There was Chanyeol being beaten up by Kris. The biggest bully of them all. You didn't know how to react. Should I help-him ? He's fine right, he's tall, he can protect himself....
No stop it Baekyun. Stop being a wussy
Someone needs you
This isn't a game anymore
Because we are fragile dolls
And no one can break us
Break one of us, break all of us
You straighten up you're chest and tap on Kris's shoulder. Kris smirks and turns around seeing my small little self
Here goes nothing...
Break me already Kris
I'm ready...

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