Chapter #5: Saved??

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    Rain dripped down the window, each drop breaking off to take its own path. The café was fairly quiet, only the occasional bystander stepping in to get away from the cold January air that bit at their faces. You worked slowly, wiping down the counter in continuous circles while staring off into space. Your thoughts drifted off to the events that took place when you woke up. Levi had dragged you out of bed when he realized there was nothing to make breakfast with and scolded you until you were awake enough to give a coherent response. 

    The scolding didn't stop there, either. You could have sworn he managed to fit the word brat into every sentence before you had left for work. "Don't forget to eat, brat." "Don't talk to strangers, brat, especially mutts." "Get home before dark, brat." Etc. It was like you had your own personal neko parent and you weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. You were certainly starting to notice that he was protective, that was for sure.

    Sighing, you left the abused counter to check the coffee pots, switching them on and off. They bubbled slightly before continuing to heat up. A little smile suddenly found its way onto your face when you thought about Levi's demand for affection previously. He refused to let you leave the house until he got his goodbye kiss and if it wasn't the most endearing thing.

"I wish I had someone who would look at me like you do at coffee, (M/n)." 

    "Petra!" Looking to your right, the small orange-haired barista stood there smiling her ever bright smile. 

"Nice to see you, too", She giggled.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was kind of zoning out", You chuckled nervously. 

    "Don't be", she hummed, setting down some packets, "You look, how do I put this..?" She tapped her chin twice before snapping her fingers. "That's it! You look a lot brighter today. Healthier, maybe?" She regarded you curiously. 

"Oh, u-um, the weather?" 

    "Oh, yes. Because the weather has everyone smiling as much as you are." She playfully rolled her eyes, pushing past you to grab some whip cream. Watching her for a moment, you decided to steer the conversation elsewhere. 

"Hey, do you know what Marco had to do that was so important?" 

"I think he said he was getting a pet? I'm not sure. Something along those lines."

    "A pet? What for?" You raised an eyebrow. Petra finished an order before turning her attention back to you. 

    "The other day, during one of our shifts together, he got a call from some lady? Anyway, she was extremely excited to talk to him and told him all about those "pets" ", she used her fingers as air quotations, "that you can buy to take care of your house and stuff like that. Marco was hesitate, but when he got off the phone with her, he suddenly seemed so sure that he was going to go buy one and that's that." 

"Oh god.." You mumbled, placing your face in your hands. 

"What?" Petra titled her head to look through your hands.

"Did you happen to catch the name of said lady?" 

Petra thought for a moment, her face creasing in concentration. "Han? Hanjui? Hangee?"

You let out a long sigh before removing your hands, "Hanji. Her name is Hanji." 

"How did you-

    The ringing of the bell above the door caught your and hers attention, but so did the three men stumbling inside. They were laughing, pushing each other a little too hard, and you picked up bits and pieces of their conversation, making you grit your teeth.

Pets (Neko Levi X Male Reader X Puppy Eren)Where stories live. Discover now