Horrible day at school

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Hi there again guys today was horrible day at school I have tons of reason =
1st. Everyone was laughing at me when I fell in the hallways
2nd. My table mate blame me because I messed his drawer ( actually not true )
3rd. I got bullied by senior bad boys and my head is bleeding right now 😞😫😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
4th. I forgot to bring my homework!
That was all the reasons! finally at home now and no more bad luck ! yay! I throw my bag at its place change my clothes grab chips took my headphones and watched one of my FAVOURITE movie at Netflix it was called "My Crush" it remind me of Dennis ! I just wish he like me sometimes I'm so in love with him after 6 hours of watching "My Crush" I do my homework then I grab my phone open Facebook and posted a lot of selfies and a lot of DIY creations! then it was 7 o'clock and it was time for me to eat dinner by the way guys I live with my cousins their in their room doing something they do in personality! so I was free of course! both of my parents died! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 because of a car crash, they crashed a huge truck! it was terrifying! I cook my FAVOURITE dinner it was pasta with cheese and Normal orange juice, I was the oldest one in the house so I cooked pasta for all of my cousins! By the way guys all of my cousins are teenager so they know how to do simple stuffs of course! After finish cooking I set the dining table sat in my chair while playing Facebook OF COURSE I rarely use snapchat and Line they are like apps that can chat with your friends! I've never have someone to chat with me in Facebook I know my friends can chat with me in Facebook but they prefer Instagram more than Facebook so the one I chat in Facebook was no one LOL!!! UGHHH MY HEAD IS STILL FREAKING BLEEDING SERIOUSLY!!! I was alone in Facebook! I know right so sad 😢!!! My hobby other than playing Facebook was dancing, singing , drawing! I have tons of drawing of anime made by me I was good at drawing! 😊........

My Mystery Crush On Facebookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن