Chapter 32

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Derek's POV:~

I heard the door open and close meaning that John was home. As I was still working in the office I saw his shadow go by knowing that he was going to get a shower and then come back. It was one of many things that I do as well. Just to be able to keep me going that is. However, the amount of paperworks that is there is next to impossible and I really don't know how he does it at all. I had less than this before I made sure that the pack became one overall family. And I am still wondering how to propose to Stiles and wondering what type of ring I should but him as well. I still haven't decided what date that we are going to have our wedding either. I didn't even notice that Jo came in to the office and started to do work or even put coffee in front of me what so ever.

"Hey what are you thinking about so hard?"

"Oh nothing much! Just thinking about how I am gonna ask Stiles to marry me?"

"Oh about that here. I got the ring for you that will help you for asking him to marry you."

"Thanks! (As he threw the ring over to me.)"

"No problems. Just ask him properly  and thats it."


"Do you know when you are going to ask him?"

"No! Still thinking about it and haven't really decided yet."

"How about when they finish their senior year and have the marriage then and just the engagement now."

"Sounds good."

"Good. Also, are you feeling ok?"

"I think so. I don't really know. I just feel really weird and that something is gonna happen pretty soon."

"Don't worry about it. I'll help you as much as possible if needed."

"Don't worry about that. Got it covered."

"How it that even possible?"

"Don't even ask."

With that we managed to finish off all of the paperworks that was left and I went to bed whilst Jo stayed up for a bit longer than most and finished the rest of the paperworks that he needed to do and that was it.

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