I need a little help

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So I have an idea for a story but I'm not sure if its been done before, let me know if it has.

Ok so theres this group of people that were made in a lab for war purposes around 1900 in america and they are immortal in the sense they can't die from old age. Now there's only 6 or 7 left and they had gotten freed from a military base in the 70s because of hippie protests and now they're out in the real world and have no clue what to do with themselves. Then from there I'm not sure what I'd want them to do. Either go around trying to experience everything or get into politics because they've been alive for over 100 years.

Personally I like the idea of little short stories of the remaining few doing domestic things for the first time with a tennager from the time period showing them stuff. I also thought about having two of them start a YouTube channel to share their findings with other immortals.

I'm kinda worried that it's the plot to some superhero or other book that I've never bothered to read.

Notes From the author Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя