Skele-puns (sans.)

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"One order of fries, coming right up!" You had been working at Grillby's for a while now, and knew the second his most loyal customer walked through the door what he wanted. The one and only Sans the skeleton was standing in front of you. Some people might get excited about this, seeing as he became a fairly famous comedian once he made it to the surface, but you were so used to his jokes that they were a part of your everyday life. You weren't too shabby at making puns yourself, but you would rather serve alcohol to monsters than make a living telling jokes. He sat down with a quick wink.
"hey, (y/n), i've got a few new jokes to run past you sometime when you get the time. but i get that you're always monstrously busy working here." He gestured towards all of the loyal patrons that made the pun have purpose. You groaned at his latest joke.
"Come on, Sans. Surely you've got a pun that could actually tickle my funny bone. Clearly yours is broken." He grinned at your reference to the fact that he was a monster himself and grabbed the nearby bottle of ketchup. He screwed off the lid and dumped the condiment on his fries. He grabbed a few of them and shoved them in his mouth.
"seriously. i really appreciate your help. you know, you've probably written as many of the jokes in my shows as i have." He glanced at you with sincerity in his eyes.
"Alright, alright. How about tonight when I get off? Will that work for you?" You caved in. Besides, he was making that face that reminded you of a lost puppy. How could anyone say no to that?
His expression lit up at your response, and you sighed at his excitement. You went behind to start helping Grillby with the end of the night cleaning. As soon as you finished, you waved a goodbye to Grillby and left arm in arm with Sans.
You and Sans walked around and outside of Snowdin Town for what felt like forever, exchanging jokes and stories. You eventually started to feel the cold get to you, and Sans noticed too. He draped his jacket over your shoulders, despite your protests, and insisted that you two went back to his place to warm up.
i see you little fiends out there. not like that. i'm watching you.
You and Sans decided to grab a few drinks (or condiments, if you're Sansy Boy) and watch something on TV. You grabbed the remote and started channel surfing. All that appeared to be on was gossip channels and news, and you weren't one to keep up with the Kardashians. You flipped it to one of Mettaton's shows and glanced over at Sans.
He was asleep, as usual.
It was in this inopportune time that he fell on your shoulder as you were going to stand up. You looked down at the skeleton sleeping on your arm to realize he wasn't sleeping at all, but staring at your face with one eye open.
"has anyone ever told you the story about that one time i doubled the amount of olives while helping Papyrus cook?" You gave him a funny look because of how off-topic his statement was. You simply shook your head and gestured for him to continue.
"Long story short, olive olive you." He winked at you while you tried to process what he was saying. He saw your confused face and re-explained what he said.
"i love all of you. god that's hard to say. don't just stare at me blankly. i knew this was a bad idea. i shouldn't have said anything, i gue-" You interrupted him with a quick peck on the cheek.
"Olive olive you too, Sans." He grabbed your chin and kissed you with everything he had. You couldn't help thinking about how he even could do this when he deepened the kiss, catching you off guard. You pulled away and were staring into each other's eyes when he ruined the moment.
"Perhaps I should screw up recipes more often."

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