*•~:.What a Shame-Zamasu.:~•*

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"It's a human. How did you grow so soft? We had a plan." Black hissed to Zamasu.
"They're different. We are one, why can't you understand?" Zamasu narrowed his cold eyes at his other part. Black sighed, "They'd better not get in our way, or be friends with Goku-San or Vegeta-Sama."
"They're not." Zamasu assured him. In all honesty, he wasn't all too sure who's side you were actually on. But, he had a soft spot for you.
You were a mere human. You found it striking that the God had spared you and actually gave you a genuinely happy smile. Of course, you assumed he was going to kill you after that, but the painful blow never came.
Zamasu seemed to smile whenever he thought about you. He got all giddy like a schoolgirl thinking of her crush. He soon aligned himself with reality and stopped himself because he found it embarrassing that he was falling for you;a human.
You didn't know this, though.


Sorry I haven't updated in so frikin long 😓 I'm not sure if there should be a part two to this but whatever


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