*•~:.Chapped-Gt Goten.:~•*

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"Goten, got any Chapstick?" You asked your best friend as you shivered slightly in the cold. Any idiot would be outside right now in this cold as hell weather.

"Mmhm." Goten said and handed you the stick. You coated your lips generously and gave it back to him.

"Cold, (Name)?" He asked.

You nodded. "Y-Yeah," you said, "we should go inside."

Goten lead you inside a small coffee shop and sat You down. He came back moments later with hot chocolates for both of you. He sat across from you and smiled.
"Thanks Goten." You said between your chapped lips. Once they touched the sweet beverage, they didn't seem so broken...
Just like your heart.

Merry whateveritisyoucelebrate!

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