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My name is Matthew. I am transgender. I used to be a girl and my name was Arianna. I did not feel like I was born in the correct body and it was very hard for me to tell my dad this because he is homophobic and against this sort of thing. At least they used to be. Until they found out they had a transgender daughter. I am also gay. I haven't really talked about my family. So, my mom left my dad and I when I came out. She didn't like talking to me or even making eye contact with me afterward during the divorce. When my mom moved, my dad kept me, but my dad couldn't handle them in his own so him and my mom decided to give up my twin baby sisters for adoption. Trust me, I wasn't a very happy camper. I wanted them back so bad. I wanted them back in my life because I loved them like they were my own. Although......I guess...

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