SE - Santa's Pet Monster (Christmas Special Episode) [Part 2]

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"Oh no! What should we do?" Hannah said as she took her cellphone from her pocket.

"Call 911!!!" Jonie suggested.

"You idiot! We're in the north pole!" Sasha exclaimed.

"Then call 912!!!" Jack added.

"..." Sasha was confused and flashes a -_- look.

We all decided to go out for the night and find Cuddly. Whoa, it was super cold and we dont have any jackets. What should we do? We'll freeze to death. How come we didn't freeze by the time we got here. Hmmm, oh Santa!!!!

"We should call Santa, maybe he can help us!" I suggested.

"No!" Jack yelled in front of my face.

"Wh-Why?" I asked afraid of Jack's answer.

"Because, if he knows he would actually not trust us anymore anhd he will get us out of the nice list." Jack answered. Why does he still care about the nice list? He's already old for that.

"If we tell Santa that Cuddly went off on its own this night, we could ..." I said until something interrupted me.

"Waaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" Something really big roared. I think was Cuddly, but I am not yet sure.

The thing jumped off from place to place and destroyed most of the parts of the factory. Since the elves were asleep, they can't help us. Boy, all the racket out here and they're still not waking up. Huh?

"Help!" Sasha screamed as the thing held her.

"Cuddly no!!!" Jonie kindly asked.

"You sure that's Cuddly?" Jack whispered to Jonie, which I can still hear. What a whisperer!!!

"Yah!!!" Jonie said and smiled.

"Uhh guys ... can you stop blabbering for a moment and HELP ME OUT HERE?!!!" Sasha said then yelled.

As we went nearer to the monster, it quickly jumped off the building and moved out to the icy regions of the north pole.

"C'mon, we need to find that thing and save Sasha." I immediately said after the incident.

"You're right!" Hannah exclaimed and gave a thumbs up.

"You really should stop that thump thing." Jonie said and laughed.

"Hey guys!!!" Jack said from behind us.

"Whatta? A sleigh?" Jonie questioned.

"What? You all said we should save Sasha." Jack remembered.

"I thought Santa already left with his sleigh?" Hannah wondered why does Jack have a sleigh even if Santa already rode to the world with his sleigh.

"It turned out he has tons of sleighs!" Jack said pointing to the hundreds of sleigh lined up for every year on Christmas. "So, I think he won't mind if we borrow one for the meantime, after all it's his pet were finding."

"Now hurry up guys, we need to find Cuddly and Sasha!" I called everyone as we rode on Santa's 2014 Christmas sleigh covered with golden glitters.

We went off on the sleigh to find Cuddly and Sasha. On the way there, we found lots of icebergs flowing on the water. The caves are holding lots of icicles and igloos.

The north pole has also a weird way to celebrate Christmas time. There are lots of people. How can anyone live here? It's freaking cold. There is a giant white Christmas tree made of ice and covered with snow. It also has a big star made of natural ice crystals on top of it. Presents are given to everyone at the same time. Games for the children are played on 12 midnight before Christmas morning. These games are usually just "Pin the Santa, Rudolf-go-round, The Elf game and Christmas Miracles". They also have a gigantic snowman contest and the winner gets to receive a gift for his whole family and a nice visit from Santa on Christmas morning. Wait, oh no ... Santa comes back home on Christmas morning. We should hurry.

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