Chapter 1

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Brendon POV

It was the summer of 2006 when i ran across a beach in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 

"Brendon, come on!" Ryan yelled to me as he dashed past me, running to the ocean with some of the theater performers. I giggled wildly, feeling a rush of alcohol in my veins. I ran toward the ocean, stripping completely naked when i reached the water. One of the backup dancers yelled to me. 

"Bren, what are you doing?" she laughed.

"Skinny dipping, what else?" I said as i jumped into the salty ocean waves. Ryan swam up to me.

"Hey Bren." he whispered. I looked at his skinny frame in the dark ocean water. He looked very cute, almost cuter than usual. And who doesn't think Ryan Ross is beautiful? I had had pent up feelings for a long time. Maybe i could get away with a little fun. Before i could come up with any devious plans, Ryan took my face and pressed his lips to mine. I responded by deepening the kiss and lost myself in the moment......

I woke up with a start to find myself in my bed at home, in 2015, not 2006. I glanced at my bedside clock, which read 2:33 am. I groaned inwardly. I cautiously got out of bed so i wouldn't wake Sarah and softly padded into my kitchen. I filled up a glass of water and sat down at my dining room table. Why was i dreaming about this nine years later? All of the memories from the old Panic! days still haunted me. But mostly, Ryan haunted me. Even though we were never official, we had enough shenanigans that "ryden" had been real. He had been my best friend, my lover, and my musical partner. And because our friends-with-benefits type relationship became strained, Ryan had left. Ever since, I've lived in constant regret of not doing more to stop the downward spiral. And for some crazy fucked up reason, i was awake having a rekindling of feelings for a man that i had barely talked to in six years. I loved Sarah, yet at the same time, I loved Ryan. A bunch of memories that had been locked up for years came flooding back. How Ryan and I used to take poloroids together, the night i had sex with him in the ocean, when we'd written Pretty.Odd. together and told each other we'd always be there for each other, when he started dating Keltie, when i got all salty about it and was critical of him, and him to me in return, and finally, the final disagreement in which him and Jon picked up and left. I grabbed a piece of paper and penned some lyrics.

If you're a lover, you should know, the lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love, then if you were alone. Memories turn into daydreams; become a taboo. I don't want to be afraid, the deeper that i go, it takes my breath away, soft hearts electric souls. Heart to heart and eye to eye, is this taboo?

Baby we built this house on memories, take this picture now, shake it till you see it, and when your fantasies, become your legacy, promise me a place in your house of memories

I think of you from time to time, more than i thought i would, you were just too kind, and i was too young to know that's all that really matters, i was a fool.

Those thoughts of past lovers, they'll always haunt me, i wish i could believe, you'd never wrong me, and will you remember me in the same way, as i remember you?

Ryan's POV

I sat on my couch, drinking iced tea and petting my dog, Dottie. My phone dinged sharply for what seemed like the millionth time in an hour. I sighed loudly and looked at my phone.


@ beebopics

YASSSSS #RyanAndBrendonOneMoreSong

@ kaitlynpanicsfob 

#RyanandBrendonOneMoreSong ryden forever @brendonurie @thisisryanross

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