Chapter 4

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Liz's POV

I lay in bed, holding my phone in my hand as i surfed through Tumblr. I stopped when i saw a photo posted by "rryyrroohheerree". They always posted funny Panic! memes, lightheartedly making fun of Brendon. They also posted rare photos, which made me suspect that it was someone close to the band. I had never asked Ryan about it, but this photo was certainly worth mentioning to him. It was a photo of Brendon and Ryan, lips locked. Ryan had Brendon shoved up against a wall in what appeared to be a dressing room. Brendon was shirtless, and had his haircut from the Pretty. Odd. era. I smirked and looked back on the day i met Ryan. He had been standing nonchalantly in the checkout line, observing the covers of the tabloids mindlessly. I asked him how he was, and he revealed his identity to me, and he even told me that he missed Brendon. I had been surprised that he was willing to open up to a complete stranger. He later told me through text message that he felt like he could trust me. It was so cliche i had to laugh at it. I ended up telling Ryan the backstory of my life in the grocery store that day, too. I had been born in a small Minnesota town and raised on a horse ranch. When I was 8 years old, I met my first real friends. Their names were Dustin, Collin, Grant, and Devin. Dustin and Collin were twins, Grant was their younger brother, and Devin was a close friend. Dustin, Collin, and Devin were 11, and Grant was 9. We rode horses together all the time. By the time I was 10 and the boys were 11 and 13, they were working at the ranch. Every time we had a horse show, they would handle the cattle or set up equipment. When I was 11, I developed my first real crush on Dustin. He was insanely cute and always made my day. But, also to my disappointment, he got a girlfriend that year. She had flaming red hair. Her name was Chandra. She was nice, but i couldn't help but feel jealous of her. After a year, they broke up because Dustin had the guts to have a drunken make out session with another girl. I was devastated. Every perfect image i had built up in my brain of him was destroyed, and i couldn't trust him anymore. A couple months after the incident, he and I had a conversation about it. It turned out that he was very sorry for what he had done. I forgave him. What else was a smitten girl supposed to do? We became very close that summer, the year that i was 12 years old, and he was 15. He had things with other girls named Alicia and Izzy, and i was never more than just a friend for him to lean on whenever his life got bad. I hated being in the friendzone, but i also loved him deeply and was always there for him. The four boys started their own band and called it the Cattle Boys. They played country music covers, and Collin would perform acoustic versions of his original songs as well. Unfortunately, a month before i turned 13, my family decided to move to North Dakota. With all my siblings graduated from high school, I was basically alone once we got there. I joined the swim team in 2009, and met my first true female friend. Her name was Winnie Halverson, and she was 14. She was really into emo bands and music. Together that year, we went to a My Chemical Romance concert, and she invited her friend Kylie along with us. The three of us became really good friends, and soon joined a music club together. Winnie and I chose to learn guitar and Kylie decided to play drums. While in this club, we met our other future bandmate, Justin, who played bass . We decided to form a band together and called it Dynasty. Meanwhile, in 2012, Dustin, Collin, and Devin graduated from high school and decided to go work for my dad's road construction company. I still stayed in close contact with Dustin. He had dated a girl named Hayley after i moved away. All I ever heard about her was how great she was, and that depressed me. I hadn't dated anyone in high school, I never had eyes for anyone except Dustin. They moved to North Dakota to go to college to study construction management. I felt bad for Grant, because he was still stuck in Minnesota. He soon found a girlfriend. Her name was Victoria, and to my surprise, she was super into pop punk music as well. We became very good friends through text message. Collin also found a steady girlfriend who was as "punk" as they come. Her name was Natalie, and she was probably one of the most interesting people i had ever met. Devin didn't have a steady girlfriend because he was an awkward fuck and he could never summon up the courage to ask anyone out. Dustin was a different story. He had broken up with Hayley when he found out that she had been fucking one of his old friends, Logan. One day in the summer of 2014, when i was 17 and he was 20, he drove through my hometown and asked me if i wanted to hang out. We drove through the country in his truck, blasting music and catching up. At some point in our little road trip, we kissed. And that was the day that I started dating Dustin. Grant had finally graduated high school that spring and went to work for my dad as well. Now that they were all living in North Dakota, they spent the winter of 2014, and my senior year of high school, writing songs and playing shows as "The Cattle Boys". They had kept the name from the old days when they played at the ranch, which we still owned. Each summer, we would have horse shows in which we would work in the back with the cattle. Now, it was the summer of 2015, and i was an 18 year old high school graduate. Dustin and I were happy in our steady relationship, Collin and Natalie were still together, as were Grant and Victoria. Devin was a pitiful 21 years old, and he hadn't even had a girlfriend. Dynasty was a pretty famous band in our school, and in the local area in general. Winnie and I were the main songwriters, and now, with the help of Ryan, we had some kickass songs. And that is the backstory of my life. But, who cares about my past? I really wanted to find out who's Tumblr account this was. So i texted him.

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