One month ago. ~~~~ How it all began!!!

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Isadora's pov 

       "Hey mom!!! I got the job waitressing. Down town at the cheese cake factory. They just called and said my shift starts at eight. Its already six. plus i need to be there at seven for my uniform and instructions." Isadsora turned and jogged up the stairs. She put on a pair of  off blue jeans and a tight gray crop top. She dusted on light makeup consisting of lip gloss, mascara, and eyeliner.  By the time she finished it was seven thirty.  She rushed out the door and jogged to the car. Her car was a red convertible. Due to the fact that her parents were rich she got whatever she wanted. Though it was summer and she didn't need the money she had decided to get a job she was tired of her parents doing everything for her. School had just gotten out she was on her way to her last year of high school.  Isadora attended a private school on the coast of Florida called Rosetta stone private high school.   Isadora drove towards the  cheese cake factory. Her main job would be to clean tables, show people where to sit, and bring out the food for section one.

Two hours later *******************************************************************************

         Isadora had been working for two hours and was doing a good job. If she did say so herself. When she saw a young man about twenty years old. His  eyes were red as if he had been crying. He looked about six feet. his hair was black and ruffled. Isadora  approached and said " may I sit here." The man looked up in surprise and replied " Yeah. Go ahead." Isadora sat and said " I'm Isadora. I'm your server for today. Though first i'm gonna be a stranger, what's wrong." " I just found my fiance cheating. Names blake."

Blake's P.O.V. ---- a few hours earlier

             " Hey Blake, I'm gonna let you go home early today. You need a break." Yelled Jacob his boss. " OK.Thanks. See you tomorrow." Blake gathered his stuff and rushed out to his car. He was excited that work got out early so he could surprise Julia his fiance. Blake walked into their apartment his draw dropped open as he saw clothes littered the floor and coach. He crept towards the bedroom and eased open the door. His heart stopped as he now knew his suspicions were right. He stared at the girl he thought he knew. She was on top of his best friend Samuel . He stood there frozen they hadn't yet noticed them. Julia broke off the kiss and said " I don't love Blake anymore. I don't think i ever did. I always wanted you. Yet when you were unavailable he was there. I don't know what i'm gonna tell him. We can't stay together when i love you." " You don't have to tell me anything. Because you already did. Both of you get out of my apartment.!!" Blake roared.                                        " Was i just a game , Julia. You weren't a game for me or a conquest. I thought we were for real. Guess i was just a joke. Well guess what, I won't be your entertainment anymore. GET OUT!!!"  Julia jumped up gathered her shoes and coat.  She put them on and rushed out the door. Samuel got out of the bed put his clothes on and turned to Blake " i'm sorry man. But did you really think she could ever really love you." "Obviously or i wouldn't have proposed. GET THE F~~~ OUT!!!!"  Blake was fuming he had known Julia and Sam since he was two. Why did he think he actually knew them. well Blake made a promise to himself never to trust them again. He watched as Sam opened the door and was astonished to see Julia leaning against the other side of the front door. She actually waited for him!! " GET THE F~~~ OUT NOW!!" 

        Two hours later at about eight o'clock ****************************************************

           Blake decided he wasn't gonna mope around but would go and get dinner at the cheesecake factor. Blake hopped in his car and headed off. He pulled into the cheesecake factory. Was seated by a blonde named lily.He looked at the menu and decided to get coffee and strawberry cheesecake. For the main course he decided  fettuccini Alfredo. Blake was startled when someone laid a hand on his shoulder and said "may i sit here." Blake replied " yeah go ahead." The young lady looked about nineteen. She had waist long reddish brown hair the ends were dyed a purple red. She had on the cheesecake factory uniform and apron.  The girl sat down and said " I'm Isadora your server for today. Though first i'm gonna be a stranger what's wrong." Blake studied the lady and replied " i just found my fiance cheating." Isadora  looked surprised at his answer and said " well she's missing out." " thanks, but i don't wanna talk about it."  Isadora stood and said " what can i get you then?"  " i'll take the Fettuccine Alfredo. the strawberry cheesecake and a coffee with french vanilla creamer. Thanks" Isadora wrote it down then walked towards the kitchen. When she returned with his food and coffee Blake said " thank you". Isadora looked at him and said " I promise it will get better."  Blake was amazed at the kindness of this young girl.  He suddenly had an over whelming urge to take her home with him and treat her as if she were his sister or better yet more... Blake was disgusted with his thoughts so he ate quickly,paid the bill and left. 

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