Fifty Shades of Family 2

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I hadn’t seen mom in a while so I decided to go to the hospital and see if she had time to get lunch. So I’m almost at the hospital when this stupid kid runs into me and nearly falls on her ass. Damn disrespectful kids not looking where they’re going. I grabbed her arms to stop her from falling and only then did I notice she was wearing a hospital gown.

She shook her hair out of her face and stared up at me. Her face was a mess. Her nose was obviously broken because it was slightly crooked and there was a cut on the top. She had blue, almost black bruises under her eyes and down the sides of her nose and the bruises spread around her left eye which was also swallow. And to top it all off she had a fat bottom lip and a gash on it. Once I had finished studying her face I looked at her eyes and my mouth dropped open slightly. She had one blue eye and one grey eye both of which were filled with fear.

She stared at me for a couple of minutes as if she’d seen me before but I didn’t recognize her. Then she looked behind her and I followed her gaze. My eyes landed on a hospital security guard who was stood looking around. The girl looked at hands on her arms and tried to pull away but for some reason I didn’t let her go. I didn’t want her to go running off into the city in the state that she was in. There were some really assholes on the streets of Seattle that would quite happily take advantage of a scared little girl and I wasn’t going to let that happen.

She looked up into my face and said, “P-please, you have to let me go.” She sounded so scared and her breathing sounded kind of funny. I looked behind her again and the security guard making his way to us. She turned and saw him too then she tried to pull away from me again but I still wouldn’t let her.

I stooped down to her level. “Look kid, you need help.”

She looked at me and her eyes were filling with tears as she whispered, “Please don’t let them take me.”

There was something about her eyes and the way she looked at me that made me stand up and scoop her up into my arms. She struggled against me but there was no way she was going anywhere except up to where my mom worked so she could get checked over. I walked straight past the security guard who just stared at me and I went into the hospital heading for the elevators.

The girl saw this and started to panic. “No! I can’t go in there.” She practically screamed at me. I ignored her and pressed the button for the elevator.

Once it had arrived I stepped in and turned to the other people who were trying to get on it and said, “Private elevator.” Then I pressed to close the doors. Once they were closed I put the girl down but held on to her because she looked like she was going to pass out. I held down the button for my mom’s floor and the button to close the doors so that the elevator wouldn’t stop on any other floors. Then I pulled out my Blackberry and dialled the paediatric reception.


I’m in an elevator. I’m in a fucking elevator! I’m gonna pass out. The guy who I think is Christian Grey pulls out his cell phone and dials.

“Hello. It’s Christian Grey, is my mom there? I need to speak with her.” So he is Christian Grey. He frowns then he looks at me. “Is she about five-seven, skinny, dark blonde hair, looks like she’s been used as a punch bag?” he pauses then nods. “Yes, I’ve got her. I’m bringing her up now.”

My knees buckle from under me and I fall to the floor. I can feel an asthma attack about to hit and because I’m in an elevator I know it’s gonna be a bad one.

“Shit!” I vaguely hear Christian say. “I think she’s gonna pass out. Yeah I’m here now.” The elevator door opens and I crawl out. I have never been so happy to be on a floor that isn’t an elevator.

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