Chapter II . The audition

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Okita Souji preferred the world of sounds to any other world. He also cherished his dear rotting slums, his car, his friends and his stepfather, but the world of sounds was superior to all. That morning (although all office clerks had already had their lunch, it was still morning for Souji) he prepared coffee and totally forgot about it, trying to pick up a melody on his synth. He was interrupted after an hour of playing music by Hajime, who dropped by to get to the rehearsal studio together.

"Hey, Hajime-kun, come in." He greeted his friend. "I sorta got carried away."

"Trying to compose the "Bridge" thing again?" Hajime entered his room with a small knowing smile.

"Yep, but my titanic efforts are fruitless." Souji hurried to the kitchen to prepare tea. "I keep thinking that we are repeating ourselves."

"Same here. Anyway, we are going to be distracted today." Hajime looked irritated by the prospect of time wasting. He didn't display his feelings much, but he felt rather relaxed around Souji. Their friendship, "a union of ridiculously different people" due to Shinpachi's witty remark, was longtime and strong.

"Well, let's just think of it as a way to develop our concept. Today we may meet the one to help with this damn idea. And maybe a pretty one too." Souji made a wry smile.

"Spare me this whole girl business, please," Hajime frowned. He was still upset over his previous unfortunate affair. "And hurry up, if you don't want Sano and Shinpachi to take advantage of your lady."

Souji joked back but hurried up to pick his clothes.


"Is this the place Hijikata-san claimed to be our new luxurious rehearsal base?" Souji groaned. "Why did I actually take a car today? We could use a damn boat here. Hajime-kun, come out, we'll walk."

Yesterday's rain had made the road impassable. The western edge of the Great Slums was the worst part of the legendary district. And, hell knows why, Hijikata had rented an old two-storey mansion here.

"An ancient place," Hajime remarked, inspecting the surroundings.

They noticed a group of fangirls (or maybe applicants) in front of the building and went to the back door according to their manager's instructions from the band's chat. The guts of the ancient building were tainted by time and Souji approved it immediately. They found the band members in a large room on the first floor. The room had obviously been a living room once, but Hijikata had redesigned it conveniently for the audition needs.

"Hey, guys, you are late!" Shinpachi greeted them loudly.

"Composers' duties," muttered Hajime, proceeding to a snug armchair in the corner.

"We took our time looking for a boat to get over this mess." Souji pointed to the window. "Pray tell, why did Hijikata-san settle our rehearsal base in a place like this?"

"Tell me you don't like it," smiled Hijikata. "Okay guys, let's get ready..."


The black-haired girl entered the mansion. The traces of urgent renovation could be seen here and there, but the atmosphere seemed to be intense. She heard other participants' excited gossip...

"Try to impress Okita-san, he's the true evil mastermind of the band..."

"To hell with Okita-san, Harada-san is the vocalist and his voice should matter the most..."

"I can't believe that I'll see them all so close..."

"I heard rumors that Okita-san and Saitou-san are against the whole idea..."

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