Chapter IX. Not human

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I was going to spend the night in the cells and return to headquarters safe and sound next morning. Ha. Talk about unreasonable optimism. Join the tough luck club. I've been sitting in the cells for several hours now, exchanging furious glances with these scumbags. My contribution to their ruffled look is obvious now. Even Shinpachi-san couldn't do better.

To confirm our crime, the cops invite some random women from the street. The witnesses watch me with empty eyes. I'm not human. On the wrong side and no longer an equal citizen, even though 'the crime' is a mere nothing. A pair of bruises, that's it.

Meanwhile the cells have their own hectic life. The cops bring in some shady guys who look like petty criminals or illegal migrants. Somehow they seem saner than my fundie friends.

I have a legitimate right to one phone call. The cops refuse to give me my phone so I borrow one from a random guy, while the guard is busy. The Onis let me hide behind them. Chizuru's business card forgotten in my jeans pocket does me a service now.

"Hey, Chizuru-chan..." I hate to talk to her in front of the assholes, but a police department has no place for privacy.

"Okita-san! Are you alright?!" Well, she must be terrified and I feel slightly guilty. And annoyed for feeling guilty.

"Sure! Better than anyone. It's been worse." In the orphanage. But that information's too personal for now.

"What can I do for you? Hijikata-san tried to get you out, but it's hard..." That's Chizuru for you! Able to collect herself in a moment.

"Do me a favor, tell Hijikata-san to keep all this mess a secret from Kondou-san and Tsune-san, okay?"

"Hmm... I'll try." Hijikata-san must be royally pissed so her doubt is natural.

"Good girl. Also could you please find the Oni 404 manager Oni—ah—Amagiri-san and fill him in?" I repeat the Oni keyboardist's whispered request. Almost slipped up and said 'Onigiri-san'. The keyboardist gratefully nods at me. Freakish show attires have no pockets for phones so the poor Onis are isolated from civilization.

"Sure. Okita-san..." Chizuru hesitates and mumbles softly, so that I can barely hear her. "Keep your head..." At this moment the cop roars at me and our conversation ends dramatically. The phone is confiscated too.

The police captain enters our abode and nails us with a glare. "Gentlemen, proceed with me. Your movements are restricted until a court date is arranged." He drones on, no hint of life in his eyes. Seems to be the type that relies on the regulations too much. "You are transferred to the adult detention center for the period of administrative arrest."

Pathetic guy. He's lower than me and I could have knocked him down in one hit, but even I'm not that mad. Hijikata-san would be proud of my prudence.

So instead of performing on stage and having a dinner in the band's company, I'm escorted to the jail. Things get funnier by the hour. The glances that bastard-sama spares me can kill. He must hate me for dragging him into this shit. I give him a tender smile. Hijikata-san has surely made up a cute nickname for the Onis' vocalist.

The jail is a brutal worn-out building on the edge of the Workmen district. The Slums are close, but unfortunately they are out of reach. Too bad that I didn't bring a jacket. The jail's building has slit-type ventilation which means that the air is stuffy, but cold autumn breezes blow here and there. My my, if only I didn't get sick so easily. The Oni 404 are wearing their show clothes - which is probably worse.

I could easily miss Shinpachi-san's birthday on the fourth of November if the cops keep me here for long.


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