12th August 2013

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Sorry, sorry. I was busy with boring school stuff. We have had sooooooo much homework. I have two huge projects due so I have been "working" on them. Meaning doing the smaller homeworks first. But I reached 34 reads. That's fun!

Carry on humans :)

Chapter 7- 12th August 2013

Shannens POV

I grabbed my bag, placing my sonic gun, my map, phone, headphones, prescription glasses,purse, drawing book and teleport inside. I walked downstairs, hugging Lizzy as she walked into the garden. I smiled at her as I tied my hair up.

"Where's she going?" I asked.

"Looking for him probably" Nathan answered, (Lizzy's boyfriend).

"She thinks he is coming back to get us, she asks me everyday" I reply.

"Where are you going then Shan?" Nathan asked following me to the door.

"S.W.A.T sent me a message on the psychic paper, they want me now" I say standing next to my new car.

"Try not to crush this one maybe?" Nathan laughed. I guess Lizzy told him about the Daleks in Paris. He is the only one that knows me and Lizzy are Timelords, and I trust him for that.

I laughed at him sarcastically and climbed into my new Ferrari, curtesy of S.W.A.T, they hired me to work for them when I moved to America to get away from my old life.

I started the engine and placed a random CD inside the slot. Out of know where blasted Katy Perry, Teenage Dream, perfect. Just the right song for remembering the Doctor.

The journey there wasn't as pleasant as I thought it would be. I tried to let my thoughts of the Doctor vanish, but it didn't work. They stuck there, like some kind of cute, funny, Gallifeyan glue.

I had resorted to changing my image. Like most girls after a break up, even though we weren't dating, I wanted a change. Not a regeneration, a physical change.
I had dyed my hair a more purpley red, grew my hair and I now wear brown contacts. Even if the Doctor did find me, he wouldn't recognise me.

I arrived at the S.W.A.T building and hour later. I let these thoughts circulate the whole journey till I drove to the entrance, where the gate stood.

"Name?" A strong American voice asked.

"Shannen Whyte" I lied. I made up a fake name to stop the Doctor finding me. If he ever searched me up in his Tardis database, all he would see his a girl with purplish red head with brown eyes. I was posing as an alien analyst. Someone who helped others with aliens and why they where there.

The soldier nodded and handed me a badge. He pressed a button and the gate opened. I smiled and drove in. I parked my car and walked in.

"Miss Whyte, follow me" a female voice asked, standing at the entrance. I nodded and followed her.

"Why did you call me here, Ma'am?" I asked walking beside her as we passed large pieces of alien debris.

"We have a problem with our captured Cybermen" The Soldier answered leading me into a busy section of the room. There stood a large empty glass case. I looked at the Soldier, confused.

"What Cybermen?" I asked.

"Us!" The Soldier said as she peeled away a section of her skin to reveal half a face of a Cyberman.
I screamed and ran into an empty room.I locked the door and turned, noticing a letter on the desk.

"How did you get this?" I whispered, shocked.

The Doctors POV

"You miss her, don't you Doctor?" Clara asked, sitting next to me on the stairs.

I looked at Clara and nodded. I turned to face back to the door and sighed.

"I am an idiot. A stupid,selfish,idiot, why didn't I say I knew her, it feels like I could understand her, I really liked and she liked me, I could tell, instead I let her slip between my fingers like every other person I have lost" I sighed.

"You aren't an idiot Doctor, you didn't know what to say" Clara answered taking my hand.

"I am I.. Can you hear that?" I stopped. I stood up and rushed to the door, I opened it and grabbed the phone from outside the Tardis.

"Hello, hello, yes this is the Doctor speaking.... Yes, really oh that is brilliant, quick question, will you have jammy dodgers, oh good see you, In about 2 months, Ta ra" I ended the phone call.

I began running round the panel, pulling levers, pressing buttons. I handed Clara the letter from Shannen and asked her to write on that we are coming to get you.

"You found her?" She asked,writing on the letter.

"Not just found her, I found her and a specific date and place, 12th August 2013, SWAT" I laughed. The Tardis began to groan and fly once more.

I took he letter from Clara and stuck it in a small hole in the console. Pressing a few buttons, it vanished.

I grinned happily as Clara smiled, clinging on for dear life.

"Watch out Shannen, we're coming to get you" I shouted, half laughing.

Eeeeeek, I love this chapter. Even better chapters to come! ~Allonsy-Allonso

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