more strangers :3

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Ps, if I miss your dare or question from a previous chapter then tell me because I really enjoy having these peeps do them! On to da chapter!

Jessicabrine: I dare herobrine to sing a parody about him and post it on youtube!

Herobrine: why you do thiiiis

Skybrine: this'll be interesting.

Herobrine: * sings badly*

Withermu: *records it*

Derp: it was beautiful!!!!

Enderlox: lolz *posts it on youtube*

Herobrine: imma just go stand in the corner. *walks to the corner*

abnegationbooklover: I have a dare! I dare the group to prank the person they most hate!

Skybrine: can we prank the person who commented this?

Enderlox: wow that was mean

Skybrine: im just sayin...

Derp: RAAAAAHHHHH!!! *throws waterballoons at Skybrine*

Skybrine: AAHHH *runs*

Derp: *chases after while throwing more balloons at him*

Withermu: talk about karma.

Suzy1writesforu: I dare you all to bump into the same stranger throughout the day telling them "you're in a coma, this isnt real, wake up"

Withermu: interesting...

Enderlox: cmon lets go

-on some ramdom street-

Withermu: *approaches a stranger* you're in a coma

Stranger: wut

Enderlox: this isnt real

Stranger: do you need 50 cents or something?

Withermu: wake up




Stranger: *awkwardly walks past them*

-later in the day-

Stranger: *makin its way downtown*

Enderlox: *pops up in front of the stranger* you're in a coma

Stranger: you guys again!?

Withermu: this isn't real

Stranger: I sure hope its not

Enderlox: oo burn. Wake up!

Stranger: uhh.... *walks away slowly*

-more time passes-

Stranger: *walks down the street*

Withermu: *pops up behind the stranger* you're in a coma!

Stranger: w-what!?!?

Enderlox: *pops out a trash can nearby* thiiis issnt reeeaallll

Stranger: w-w-

Withermu: waakee upppp!

Stranger: y-you must b-be right.. h-how do I w-wake up!?

Enderlox: wut.

Withermu: uhh...


Enderlox: didn't think we'd actually get this far...

Withermu: you're on your own bud.

Enderlox: see ya *walks away*

Withermu: later. *walks with Enderlox*

Stranger:.... *runs screaming*

-back at Herobrine's place-

Withermu: interesting day.

Enderlox: whats next?

Jenny735: *breaks down door* Hey Herobrine, wanna fight!?

Herobrine: YEA I WANNA FIGHT! 1V1 ME M8!!!! *grabs a pillow*

Jenny735: *grabs another pillow and charges* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

Herobrine: RRAAAHHH!!!!!!!

Enderlox: °-°

Withermu: lets stay out of this one...

Enderlox: good idea

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