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When I stop breathing
To tell your kids
Who I was
I don't want to be forgotten
And if I am to be forgotten
At least let my purpose known
Let them know
That you knew someone
Who fought so hard
For everyone to be happy
To be happy
Tell them
I'm fighting for them too
And even though I might be forgotten
My purpose will not
My purpose
Will have played out
Maybe with your children
Or your children's children
And if you
Aren't exactly who I think you are
Still make sure
That the next generation knows
And tell them
My purpose
They might not know my name
It's better to be
Then no one at all
Make sure
The world
That everyone changes
I know you can do it
You're probably one of the few
Who can do this
And all the others
I know them too
And they will too
They all share my opinion
In different ways
They all
Will be remembered
Someday somehow
They will not be like the rest
Like me
They will bring peace
To this forsaken world
And so will you
So take this
It's yours
To give.

StringsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ