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Pull my strings
I dare you
Try to make me do
What you want me to do
And you'll succeed
It's inevitable
I can't resist them
Like everyone one else
You can pull my strings
Make me a puppet
Of every single one of your
Twisted desires
Never mind
I don't want that of me
I don't want to be another puppet
To life
I will stand out
I will be strong
I'll cut my freakin strings
I'll stand tall on my own
I won't be like so many
I can stand on my own
I don't need someone guiding me
I'm strong than you
I will succeed
And you'll fail
Maybe not as dramatic
As I may hope
But that doesn't mean
You won't
I don't know your name
Or even who you are
I just know I can stand
Without you
And I guess
That's it

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