Chapter 12

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"It was absolutely incredible! It just came out of my hand like, like a blast! I felt so energised and powerful! I want to do it again!." I shouted at everyone in the attic.

They looked at me in shock as I screamed at them with such amazement.

"So bolt projection is your power? How did you activate it?" Melinda asked me and my buzzing energy stopped.

Should I tell them about what happened with me and Chris? Considering our argument this morning? I stumbled for words and Chris just stood in the corner of the room with his arms folded. We both looked at each other as I tried to gather some kind of response.

"I just..thought" I lied and it didn't sound so bad. So I went with it, standing up straight with confidence.

"Oh can you show us?" Penny asked and my confidence deflated like someone had put a pin in a balloon.

They want me to show them now?! How the hell am I supposed to do that without Chris doing his whole whisper exhilaration stunt? Oh god, I'm in deep shit. I looked at Chris for some consolidation but he just looked at the floor.

How can he act like a jerk, then lead me on like that, then ignore me right after it? Wow, what a tool.

I turned and faced a box with some kind of contents in it.

Awh, how the hell am I gonna do this?!

I tried to remember what Chris did, making me feel relaxed and warm. I didn't feel energised like I did before but I had to try.

I spread out my fingers and curled them tight. When I released them nothing happened. My hands didn't turn blue and no lightening came out.
I became angry. Very angry.

Then from behind me I heard someone cry out in pain. I turned around and saw Melinda hunched over, holding her hands to her head screaming. Wyatt and Chris darted to her and she fell to the floor still screaming.

"What's going on?! Melinda!" Wyatt shouted as he put Melinda's head on his lap. She screamed in pain still holding her head.

Shock and worry suddenly rushed over my body and knocked out any sense of anger that was in me. I ran over to her and as soon as I knelt down beside her, she stopped screaming.

"Mel!? What the hell happened?!" Chris asked in shock at his little sister.

She was shaking and looked up at me in fear. I saw the fear in her eyes and it scared the crap out of me. Chris, Wyatt and Penny followed her gaze up to me.

"Did you do that to her?!" Chris shouted at me in anger.

I got up and stood far away from them. How could I do that? Did I do that? A million things were spinning in my head.

"Answer me!" Chris bellowed and I jumped back in fright.

"I-I don't know! I don't know what just happened I- uh." I stumbled to protest and Chris looked at me with firery eyes.

Melinda came back to sense and sat up. She put a hand on Chris' knee to reassure him that she was okay.

"How did you do that? One minute I was fine the next I felt angry and I saw you and Chris. Then I felt a ringing started in my ears and it felt like the vessels in my brain were exploding. It was as if your anger was too much to handle." Melinda told me and I took another step back.

"You have two powers?" Wyatt asked and helped his little sister up.

I couldn't even speak. I just mentally abused and tortured a seventeen year old girl. I've become a monster.

"Anna?" Penny said but I felt so ill.

The happy, amazed look to my face had disappeared completely and a drained, deranged edge was in my eyes.

"Chris take Melinda to her room." Penny ordered and Chris led her away whilst glaring at me in hate.

I stood there motionless, replaying what just happened in my mind.

Penny looked at me before opening her mouth to say something.

"Get the candles Wyatt, we're summoning her parents."


I sat on the couch, stiff as stone. Wyatt and Penny lit candles around the room like Paige had done earlier. Penny looked at me and saw how deluded I looked.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do? I mean she seems pretty sensitive about this?" Wyatt questioned in a hushed tone.

"It's the only way to get answers." Penny said lighting the last candle.

Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side,
Come to me, I summon thee,
Cross now the great divide

The glowing spirals circled within the candles. I just stared into space knowing that I hurt Melinda. She had been so nice to me and I repay her by almost blowing her brains out? Maybe Chris was right, maybe I or anyone else doesn't know what I'm capable of. Maybe I am dangerous.

I trailed my eyes to the glowing circles and my heart stopped. Everything stopped. My hands began to shake and I felt cold. Tears swelled up immediately and fell down my face. I took in a breath of shock but couldn't swallow the oxygen. I sat there trying to get air into my lungs.

My eyes were filled with hate, sorrow and shock and my body was trembling; as two figures appeared from the glows and I stared up into my parents faces......

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