dreaming of you too

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plot twist ahead readers!

*natashas pov*

I was still in that strip club, its gloomy state annoyed me greatly, body fluids made the place smell like a porn studio and glitter was loosely spread, gleaming on men and women's bodies, looking at the stunning raven man sat in front of me, his features were not the only thing that caught me off guard, in a gloomy corner of the room, a small light was shinning through a slither of a crack in the wall, not listening to the calls of the men and woman behind me i walked determined to see were this light sent from the heavens was there for, as i got closer the bright yellow light had blinded my vision, i couldn't see a thing!! ,'where the heck am i going' i heard an annoying sound blaring through my ears and i had no choice but to follow it.

EH! EEH! EH!EHHHH!   'What the hell is that!'

"Natasha get up for school, HURRY!!" That was my dad, he was calling from the kitchen.

"what the hell was that dream" i thought to myself, and 'who were those men' waw now im just a  16 year old girl dreaming about older men, wait, those other people, the Eren, the Mikasa, the Horse?, who were they?.

Little did Natasha know there was a certain raven 17 year old boy asking the same questions, wondering who they were, wondering who 'she'  well i guess he will never know.

"Natasha you have five minutes to get ready, the bus will be hear!" my dad called me from the kitchen this time, pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes to be exact, oh how i love my dads cooking!

I rolled out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes doing so, walking to my closet i picked out some ripped black jeans some white trainers, and a meme shirt with pepe on a doge, haha well memed author, thanks guys, applying foundation and other face things to make me less dead is an up side, i do care about fitting in at times and can feel quite self conscious at times so thats why im doing it, i do it for myself mostly, not to impress boys because, who's to say i even like guys?, well im pretty sure i do, i mean hello i just dreamt of marrying a blonde guy and liked a supper hot stoic guy so.

grabbing my backpack i walked down the many stairs that would soon lead to my death if i didn't tie my laces soon, bending down to tie my laces i heard a noise 

"Tch brat" ...'what..that exact voice!', i swung around to see nobody there,strange.

"dad is there someone here?" i asked still a little creeped out.

"nope baby girl its just you and me" he gave a weak smile mum, well she was murdered two years ago due to a gang called the 'smiles'. They would break into your house and and disect you, taking your blood and writing 'smile' on the wall, carving a joker smile in your face and butting you in a bathtub. that's how my dad found mum 35 years married, we moved to a new neighbourhood a week after that, now everything is great.

"why do you ask?" he questioned me giving a glance or two as he ate his breakfast.

"no don't worry i was just wondering,i thought i heard a noise, must have just been the wind" i smiled sitting and started cutting in my breakfast, hungry from the overnight fasting, looking up giving a glance or two at my dad once in a while.

My phone alarm went off as a signal to leave, getting up grabbing my bag and kissing my dad on the cheek goodbye.

"Bye dad see you at 5?" i questioned knowing the answer would be ye.

"Actually Natasha ill see you at 12, im going to visit an old friend from work" my dad called back

"thats cool see you then!" i hurried out the door happy that my dad was getting to see his friends again but nervous that i might miss the bus, speak of the devil!.

A matte yellow school bus drove past not caring to stop for me at all!


"Natasha" my dad shouted as a warning, he didn't like me cursing

"sorry!, oh dad i missed the bus im taking my board!" i yelled grabbing my skateboard that was on the porch

"sure thing honey!, be safe"he called out again

" bye"

"bye sweetheart"

i started running and when i picked up speed dropped the board and jumped on, making a few leaves blow up in the air 

occasionally having to push my foot off the ground to gain speed but i mostly enjoyed the veiw of the oranging trees and clouded sky

looking up the gates of the Garrison HIGH SCHOOL came into my view, already telling this would be a long day.

 When i got inside i walked to my locker people making room for me to walk, i guess you could say i intimidated them a bit

seeing my locker i walked towards it not long before getting pushed to the ground

"HEY!, whats your problem you stupi-"

"wATch where your going you annoying bra-" 

as we looked into eachothers eyes we both realised, this is the the boy/girl from my dreams..


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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