Part 1

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I stood inside the school waiting for my mother to pick me up. Sun shined through the classroom windows. The son hit the chalk boards flew around catching the dust flying around the classroom. What a beautiful fall afternoon as leafs fluttered around in the wind. Everyone is so prefect, the crisp ripe apples, birds singing, squirrels collecting nuts and the songs of fall.

I knew my mom would be late because she just got accepted into a job at a NASA headquarter. I got a text to come out of the school because my mom sent one of her friends to pick me up instead. Outside waiting is a very short guy in a lab coat. My mom met him though her former job as a Chemist. Chemistry didn't hold my moms interest. She found it more interesting working on sending people to Mars.

Inside the car sat another guy. He is quiet tall and has the craziest hair ever! Both of the guys wore perfectly white lab coats and kept their car in perfect condition.  When we got to the house both of the guys wanted to show me something.

"What is it?," I asked.

"Well,well,well we were about to do it before we got the text from your mom. It is in the glove compartment. Can we come in?," one of the guys asked.

"Yes," already knowing they have been over quiet a few times to visit my mom.

"Once inside we will blow your mind!," one of them shouted in excitement.

"Wait, let me explain why this will be so cool for you to witness. We are testing the Banach- Tarski Paradox. It is taking a solid object such as your basket ball out front. And breaking it into infinite points. These infinite points lets us break an object into infinite copies of its self just by tilting the object a certain way. Then doubling the object so there will be two basketballs. It's quiet hard to explain. Let's just show you," the other guy explained.

Once inside, the two guys took out a white piece of fabric.

"We just invented a piece of fabric with infinite amount of points. Took us 15 years of hard secret work because no one believed it could be done. Can't wait to show the whole wide world!," as they both started to pull at the fabric.

Sure enough in a flash the fabric started doubling. Quickly glancing behind me I saw the walls concaving into each other. Little did the guys realize they were missing with space and time it's very self. Space and time already has an infinite amount of points of time. Now adding more points on infinity into something already infinite breaks down its structure. It forces a infinite amount of points to move over an infinite amount of times. Making a infinite cycles of space and time getting moved over infinite amount of times makes very funky unexplainable phenomenons.

"Guys! Look behind you! The walls are doing some pretty wacky stuff!," I shouted.

Both of the guys with laser focus were smiling about their new invention. They were thinking about infinite chocolate bars, infinite water supplies, infinite cheese burgers and infinite money.

By this point, my whole body trembles in fear as the walls keep getting close and closer together. I walk up to the concaving walls reaching my hand into the gap where they were about to touch.  Suddenly, my hand turns into a baby hand. Yanking my hand out of between the walls. Instantly, my hand returns to normal.

Finally the guys put the two pieces of fabric back together. Pew! The walls returned to their normal state.

"What next?," asked one of the guys.

"Time to show you our  finished time machine! Took us a good 30 years on this thing. Now ready for some time travel?," shouted the guys in glee.

Oh great! They already messed with the very fabric of space time though their infinite fabric experiment. Already knowing time travel could distorts space time as their machine rips apart the very order of the universe. Time travel could do enough damage but now adding infinity to time travel won't go down that all. All in the same day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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