Updated character profile: Rose

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The template I used is on devianart.com by Avistella. So, give credit to this person if you use the template and she would appreciate it. Let's get going! Also, "X" means Xander cause I might do a bit of my characters talking.

One sentence description: Don't make her mad or you'll pay cause she hits hard
Full name: Rose Hinamori Sheki
Reason for her name: "Hinamori" is Amu's last name and Rose was with her and her family until Easter was defeated. She wanted to remember her before she left. "Sheki" is just a play on Zelda's other name, Sheik. It's rearranged by replacing the "i" with "k" and the "k" by "i". Her first name, "Rose", is composed by the elements hrod "fame" and hied "kind, sort, type". It's originally a Norman for a Germanic name, so the origin is German.
Nickname: Rosie
Reason for nickname: To annoy the crap out of her
Her friends were the one who nicknamed her "Rosie" because it amuses them and find it's funny. Rose doesn't like it because it's to "girly" for her and gets irritated whenever her friends say that. Sometimes, Xander (R: Flippin jerk! Why mention him?!!! You've already mentioned him last time in Lillian's profile and I've counted. It was like...12 or 13 times you've mentioned him and why does she like him?!!! He's a pervert and I will go down underneath if he touches me! Why mention him in MY PROFILE?!!! You-) (Me: Calm down! It's only-) (X: *sits in a random chair that just appeared out of nowhere* Yes? What about me being a jerk?) (R: *widens eyes* No. Way. In. Heck.) (Me:....I have nothing to say.....this is surprising) (X: *glares at me and looks at Rose* Hey there, angel) says that to just annoy her and he's.....bad. He just likes to annoy her and it might be one of his favorite things......maybe.
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 14, xxxx
I FINALLY HAVE A BIRTHDAY FOR HER!!! Yes! Last time, didn't know what month or day for her b-day and I put it off for a while, but knew here's her birthday. I'm happy!
Species/Race: Half demon and half vampire
Blood type: A
Relationship status: Has five boyfriends, but one went away. Four now.
Status: Alive
Height: 6'3
Skin color: (I don't know if this is a skin color, but I'll go with it) Fair
Hairstyle: Usually down and goes down until it hits her butt. That's how long her hair is.
Hair color: (right now until December) Chocolate brown hair with wine red dyed in the ends
Eye color: Blood red, crimson color. Almost looks like blood or wine.
Distinguishing feature: Has a black angel wing (not tattooed, but given by Xander (R: Given by him? More like "forced me into the bed and gave it to me" way. Not given) (X: Awww, was it really that way? I remembered that you gave willingly) (R: NO! I'd never give you anything willingly, not even my body! And yes, more like that) (Me: Both of you didn't even say anything up until now. What happened?) (R: What happened? Do you want to know?) (Me: *sweatdrops* Not anymore, actually......nope) (X: *shakes his head*)) on the back of her right shoulder.
Preferred clothing: T-shirt and jeans/sweatpants/pants/skinny jeans
Accessories: (there's only one) Her choker with a pearl attached in the front
General health: Good
Any physical illnesses: None
Any mental illnesses: None
Take drugs?: No
(R: Why would I take drugs? That isn't me and nor will I ever take any, but I do know a person who does and they are right here. I'm talking abo-) (X: *behind her and leans down to her ear level* Were you about to say me? To tell you, angel, I don't take drugs) (Me: But what if you did?) (X: I wouldn't) (R: Your a fallen angel. You still do bad stuff, even if your on Earth or somewhere....just a outer shell of your other self and can you not breathe on my ear? It's weird) (X: Yes, I know I'm a fallen angel, but I'm me. Does it concern you if I did take drugs? *nibbles on her ear*) (Me:.....um.....that's not a good idea, Xander. She'll slap you-) (R: *ears turn red and quickly turns around and teleports behind me* Don't. Do. That. I hate it and it's weird. Just leave me alone, Xander!)
Smokes?: No
(X: *puts hand in pockets* I can't, angel. You say that, but deep inside of your heart, you love me still...even if I do bad things to you) (Me: Rose.....that's tru-) (R: True? I know and that's why I push it down for I won't feel my feelings for you....I still hate you-no, more like....despise)
Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: The Explorer
Mental age: 24
Act before thinking/ thinks before acting?: Acts before thinking in any situation, even if it's life or death, but sometimes she does think before acting. It depends on the situation basically.
Emotion-wise, generally?: Some of her friends can and can't read her emotions. The ones who do know what she's thinking or feeling, so they try to ask what's on her mind and mostly she won't answer. To get her to answer, they bring her strawberry shortcakes and that's a thing that gives Rose in. Mostly, nobody can read her, but unfortunately for her, Xander can read her like a book. It's very irritated to her and makes her mad. Yeah, she doesn't like him reading her. No good for her. (Me: Huh....Ro-) (X: She's in the corner) (Me: In the cor-oh.....wait, what,?) (R: *in the corner (which wasn't there before and magically appeared)* Why? How can be read me? That's absurd. It's impossible......why? Life, give me a reason and also you, Universe) (Life & Universe: He's your true soul mate and he knows you well. That's the reason why and also, your gonna have his babies *both exit out*) (Me:.....ok, then......not weird at all.....why?) (X: She wanted them to give her a reason to why I can read her so well and it's actually possible to read her. You just gotta need to study her expressions and the way she says her words in her eyes) (Me:....you do know her well) (X: Yup.....she's stubborn) (Me: No kidding)
Way of speaking?: Cool towards people
Common conservation stater: "Hey!"
Swears?: Sometimes and if she does, then it's usually if she's angry, surprised or gets a wound/cut (that happens rarely and if that does....well, you'll see in the next few things) (Me: It's usually the "f" word, "s" word, or the "b" word) (R: Why are you not saying them?) (X: She's Morman. It's like against her and the others to use them) (Me: Yeah, it's true. Rose can say them because she doesn't really have a religion and she doesn't really care about it, so she can say those words whenever and time) (R: Heck yeah! Also, for a new idea for your mini stories, you should do "birds and bees" talk) (Me: What? No! I can't do that! That's just weird!) (X: It really isn't though. Haven't-oh, wait. Rose, did your parents talk about that?) (R: Heh.....yup. It was actually last week) (Me: Why?) (X: I'm wondering too) (R: Well, it's because that my mom is going to have a baby-) (Me: A baby?!!!! What gender?) (X: How are you excited? Ba-) (Me: They are the cutest things ever and I can be excited. Anyway, what gender?) (R: A boy....presumably. Anyway, don't even think about it Xander. I will not go anywhere with you, even at your apartment) (Me: He has a....ok then. That's awesome) (R: Awesome? My parents told me that information and I'm actually thankful that my body is different than humans. Heh, sucks for them to feel the pain of giving birth to babies)
Made-up words?: No
Made-up language?: No
Likes: Dogs, singing, dancing, music, blood, fighting, killing Shadow Monsters, torturing people (R: Yes....) (X: She does, doesn't she?) (Me: Yup), murder, adventures, being free with no restraint on her, food, sleeping, strawberries, concerts, sour/sweet candy, candy in general, chocolate, Netflix, watching tv, spicy chips, and sushi (R: Sushi!) (Me: Sushi!) (X:......I have nothing to say).
Dislikes: Mean/rude/nosy/noisy people, people smoking, Shadow Monsters, romance books/movies, makeup, any "girly" colors, dresses, skirts, Xander (Me: She dislikes you, Xander) (X: Really? I didn't notice) (R: Sarcasm in his voice), being confined into one specific place, people ordering her, pickles (Me: *gasps* You don't like pickles? Why?) (R: They are too....sweet for me and I don't like it) (Me: But-) (X: Are you going to continue on your typing?) (Me: I'm doing it right now! Geez....)
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, fighting and just always seems to be going into trouble
Strengths: Her bravery to go into any situation without hesitation or second thoughts, confidence in her and others, courageous, a leader when needed, being observant, trustworthy, patient and has wisdom
Weaknesses: Impatient (sometimes), he choker because that contains her powers and without it is powerless (even though she is a half demon and half vampire, those powers aren't really strong), and her heart. What I mean by that is that is her heart is "pure" and isn't tainted with the "dark feelings". Only for a bit, but that went away and that's why Shadow Monsters are coming out of every corner of darkness to see and try to feast on her "pure" heart.
Skills: Confronting other people (if needed), having determination, listening to other people, gathering information quickly, multi-tasking, being patient (mostly), remembering information quickly, getting out of problems (it's either clean or not clean), and also having common sense
Abilities: Clairvoyance (help with the vampire and demon powers), Healing, Invisibility (doesn't use it as much), Rapid Cellular Regeneration, Space Time Manipulation (again, help with her vampire and demon powers), Super Hearing, Super Strength, Telekinesis, and can conjure up magic like for example: fire, light magic, dark magic, earth, etc. She can not feel the pain of a wound or cut. Resistance towards pain.
Education: Still in school
IQ: 116
EQ: 65
Secrets: A pop star and not from here
(R: Here? What do you mean by "here"?) (X: I know) (R: *looks at Xander* Tell me this instance) (Me: Also, she's a bit bossy) (R: I can hear you, Ruth) (X: I won't tell you, but I will unless you kiss me-) (R: On the cheek? Su-) (X: Not on the cheek. On the lips, Rose) (R: I WONT DO THAT!) (Me: Rose, he's-) (X: No? Then I'll have to take you away to a place where I only know) (R: Take me away? How are you gonna do that? Also, I'll fight my way out of your grasp, so don't forget it won't be easy) (X: You'll see and I'll gladly take that as a challenge, angel) (R: You.....jerk!)
Fears: Dying in RL (real life), seeing her friends, family or loved ones die and Xander (surprisingly)
(X: You fear me? That's a surprise and I've thought that you'd never fear anybody, but you always have surprises in store, don't you?) (Me: I don't like this atmosphere.....I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Bye! *runs to the bathroom*) (R: I don't fear you.....) (X: You don't? I beg to differ, angel. It says "Xander" and I think you do, but you don't want to show it. Tell me now or you'll have to come with me to my place) (R: You sound like-ugh.....why you ask? Well, thats because you act different when your.....mad or when you kill other people, especially guys who like me or them wanting me to be their girlfriend. Your eyes are....not filled with sorrow, but madness and hollow. You do gruesome things to them and I have the front view seat and I hate to admit this, but you scare me. I don't know if your going to hurt me or just lash out on me.....that's why I fear you) (X: That's a long explanation, but don't worry. I won't hurt you or lash you out and those dudes are touching and talking to what is mine. I've marked you with that black angel wing, but they don't see it, do they? So, they need to be killed and it's a warning to other fallen angels and angles that your mine and if they touch you....well, they die. I have no remorse for them. You do like killing people, don't you?) (R: Well, that's only to the people that I hate or despise, but I would never kill a innocent person!) (X: Really? Anyway, don't even think of HIM when your around me) (R: Who? Ben?) (X: Yes. He's already-) (Me: Xander! No! Can you guys talk somewhere else? I'm gonna continue typing here and I need quietness. Also, Xander, don't say that and leave her alone. She really doesn't like your company)
Dreams: Living a happy, normal life and going back to RL (home)
Goals: Finding the 4 Keys of Memories, killing and exterminate the Shadow Monsters, and fulfilling her part in the "Prospect"
Food: Spicy, sweet and sour type foods. Also likes sushi, meat, watermelon and any food. Any food, even if it's fish.
Color: Black, red, and white
Animal: Wolves and dogs
Number: 11
Holiday: Halloween and Christmas
Season: Spring
Genre of music: Rock and a bit of Pop
Genre of literature: Fantasy and Adventure
Genre of movies: Horror, Adventure, Action, Thriller and Comedy
History: She was a normal girl, but one day an accident pulled her from her life and put her into a state like sleeping coma type. Now, in this time, she's different and has to find the 4 Keys of Memories while fighting against the Shadow Monsters. Some people want her, but in the end to get back, she has to win the fight against Ruby and if not, she'll be stuck in this time forever and die in RL.
Personality: Caring (to her friends and bf's), considerate (sometimes), thoughtful (sometimes), courageous, determined, endures pain physically or mentally (not emotionally though and that's because of Xander), stubborn, focused, sometimes might be hostile towards people with a reason, hard-working, can be honest or deceiving, sometimes can be jelly (jealous), mature, modest, tolerant, reliable, respectful (or can be impolite and that depends of who she talks to), confident, serious, trusting, and learns very quickly.
Family: Her families and the relationship with them is normal. They treat her good and both rarely fight, but if they do, then they make it up easily and those are just over small things, like going out late and whatnot. They set boundaries (R: Hah.....boundaries.....I've stepped over some.....) for her to protect her from any damage; physically or emotionally. Sue knows and tries not to go past, but she can be a rebel sometimes, so yeah. They love her greatly, whenever if she's adopted (X: She's adopted? How? Why? Wh-) (Me: Enough with the questions, Xander and yes. In some of her families, she's adopted. I'll explain that in her backstory........I really need to do it though....) or not. She also loves them arms holds them dear in her heart and will protect them at any cost, even with her own life or blood.
Love interest(s): Its different for each, but with one common thing is opening her heart towards them.
-With Ikuto (from Shugo Chara and I really wanted him to be with Amu, but no. It can't be done because she's like 13 and he's 17. It's a good anime to watch. I wish it was canon though.....my ship), she's more loving with him and gets jealous easily if another girl flirts or tries to take him away from her. Usually, she would grab ahold of his arm and just look at the girl and says, "I'm sorry, but he's been taken by me. Find another boy to hit off" and pulls him away. He finds this amusing and cute to see her get jealous and after that sentence, she would say the "b" word and then a cat fight is on. She'd never fight with the girl, but would give a glare to her and that will put fear into that girl and never comes near Ikuto. Playful and more "lovey dovey" and Elizabeth is weirded out by that. (E: Its weird and-oh, hey Xander and also hello, Rose) (R: Save me!) (E: Why? Is someone chasing you or is a Shadow Monster after you?) (R: What do you think?) (X: It's me) (E: Oh.....we should do a duet to "Its Me" right now) (X: Re-) (Me: Elizabeth?) (E: Hi! 😄) Also gets embarrassed more easily and blushes more. To find our how she's blushing, it's in her ear and what I mean by that is that the tip of her ears turn red and that's "blushing" for her. Also, more cuddling time.....I don't understand anymore.
-With N (he's from Pokémon Black and White and I love Ferriswheel shipping. It's beautiful. So beautiful), it's more like the "kind, caring and love" boyfriend/girlfriend type. She's calm around him and at peace and happy. Doesn't get jealous as much, but still gets a bit. Both go on exciting dates, like going to a fair and riding on the rides and she likes being on the wheel with him. The view up there is wonderful and you could see the stars and the moon shining bright with light. They are like a calm, laid back couple. Heh....couples.
-Dark Link (yes, him). What can I say and also can I say that Three Days Grace rocks? Best and I really like "Pain". It could be a mini story idea, right? Anyway, moving on to him.....she really doesn't trust him, but overlooks that because he can just be a "prince" sometimes. He cares for her and she does too. A good one.
-Xander. Xander, Xander, Xander. Who can tell him to leave her alone? Now, Rose doesn't trust him and is vary wary around him. She despises him and will try to get out of his grasp on her and hates seeing the black angel wing on her back of her right shoulder. For her, it means that her freedom is being taken away and doesn't like being confined with him. She has slapped him a few times and then every time, he doesn't care. He loves her, even if she doesn't and wants her all to himself. She's mad at him that he didn't tell her that he had fiancée (who is Lillian) and keeps saying to him that, "This is wrong, Xander! You shouldn't be with me nor me with you!". She doesn't want him to touch her or talk to her, but he keeps on doing that. Doesn't really care for him and doesn't get jealous. She just plainly hates him and there's all to it. Not a good relationship, but he's coming back to get her. A brave thing to do.
Friends/Allies: She treats them good and cares about them. She will also protect them if they are taken or in a bad situation. She doesn't like seeing them sad or in pain because for her, it shows her that she needs to improve her talking. Also treasures them dearly and if anybody hurts them, she turns into a monster. She'll hunt them down and when found, they'll either be tortured fully awake and when she does that....there's lots of blood or be killed slowly, but painfully as they watch. She doesn't have remorse for them and really doesn't care about what happens to their family. Of course, she'll hide the body, but she mostly burns the body and then throws it out of nowhere or teleports it. Police do know it is her, but they haven't got any luck to where she is. She's sneaky like a fox and fierce like a bear. This is why you don't want to make her mad cause she can do some damage.
Enemies: Hates them. Rude and impolite is the way she rolls with them. Doesn't care if she hurts them emotionally or physically and mentally. Can sometimes murder them, but that's only to the girls and to the boys? Well, she gets into fights with them and that's pretty much everyday. Mostly, her enemies are males and females and a balance between them. We have FOX, Shadow Monsters (R, E & X: Of course), Ruby and Drake.
Quotes: "Me and my heart might disagree sometimes, but we come to a conclusion afterwords" "Look.....I know that you love him, but you need to break it off with him. He's like a snake. A snake thats gonna eat you up when your vulnerable" "If finding a needle in a haystack is hard, then look closer" "The fireworks look amazing today, don't they?" "If any guys try to hit me off, then I'm gonna show them what pain feels like" "I'm different and I haven't told you yet, but I'm not human. I'm a half demon and a half vampire" "If I can defeat a Shadow Monster, then I can defeat you" "Neither light or darkness can take me down, cause I'm second in power next to God" I already felt pain that I'm numb to it" "Don't fall in love with your guy best friend because it will be awkward" "I'm fierce as a bear, but also fast as a cheetah"
Trivia: Does not like harems because there's too many guys to choose and all of them love you. Doesn't like Yanderes because they are too "crazy" or way overprotective, just like Xander who's sitting down with Elizabeth and Rose playing Monopoly and she likes board games. Rose always catches the flu when it's winter and after that gets the cold because her immune system is a bit low than humans. Some of her parents are going to church and are Mormans. If you scare her, then a punch will come right at your face and maybe have a broken nose. She has more guy friends than girl friends because she feels comfortable around the boys than the girls because there's no drama. Also plays sports with them outside and they mostly play soccer or football. Always wears a black short under her uniform. Can be either a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, but that depends on her day and mood. The final thing is that she can't get pregnant (R: Heck yeah!!!!) (Me: She's a happy dandelion) (R: I'm not a dandelion, but I'm happy about that fact) because of her powers and her magic. To also top that off, her system is different. I shall not talk anymore of that.

Hey guys! I hope you have a good day today and thank you for over 100 views and we're almost to 200! Yay! Anyway, this was over almost 3,000 words. OVER 3.000 WORDS AND IVE WORKED ON THIS FOR LIKE 6 or 5 days (maybe a bit more than that), but so many words. Well....I think the backstory might excel over 1,000, but who knows? I might do a updated profile for Elizabeth.....should I? I'm gonna do it anyway! Yay! Thank you and bye! 😊😎😁🙃☺️

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