A Little Taste

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I opened the door to the break room with a sigh of relief. "Finally!" I croaked out, walking into the room.

"Hey! Why are you ignoring me?!" screeched Odango as she followed me into the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

A smirk spread itself across my face at her barely contained irritation from earlier. "Who else would've saved the fair Odango in distress from being gobbled up by some wolves for trying to eat up all the refreshments meant for special personale?" I chuckled, heading over to the refreshments table.

She scoffed at me, "I am not a damsel in distress! I would've been just fine without you!"

I shrugged, grabbing a bag of cookies off the table. "Whatever you say, Odango, but here you go, " I stated and tossed her the bag of cookies before sitting down on the couch.

Odango gaped at me. Her eyes fluttering between the baked goods in her hands and me in astonishment.

"You're giving these to me?" she mused in surprise, staring at me as if I'd grown two heads.

I nodded my head, readjusting the strings on my guitar. "I am because you deserve them and I want you to have them, " I replied and started to play a tune on my guitar.

An internal conflict seemed to storm within her as she sat down across from me in silence. Her mouth opening and closing every few minutes before she just settled on stuffing her face with the sugar cookies I gave her.

A smile inched its way across my face as I watched her thoroughly enjoy herself.

A sense of tranquility seemed to have settled between us as time went by.

My fingers still strumming away at my guitar in a way I only touch Odango within my dreams.

My Odango Atama watched me play in some kind of trance through heavily lidded eyes, still nibbling away at the cookies in her lap.

My eyes drifted down to her lips after a while as the tension in the room grew into a new high.

I wonder if I could at least get one taste in; just one.

Then I shook my head, smacking myself internally.

You pervert! Stop trying to take advantage of Odango! She's your friend for crying out loud! She doesn't even see you as attractive or anything - you're just a friend to her!

My fingers stroked the wrong chord on my guitar after that thought that had Odango jolting slightly in surprise. I muttered a sincere apology to her and went back to strumming away at my guitar; lost in thought.

She does want to be more than friends though. I can feel it within my bones that she does, especially from how she's been treating me for the past few weeks.

Ever since the morning after our movie night at my condo, Odango has been much more attentive with me. She's been going out of her way to make sure that our hands were touching in some way. Her body would draw closer to mine whenever she seems to be near me now as well. And her eyes ... Her eyes would be always trained on my lips as if they were a forbidden fruit that she'd willing indulge in its euphoric juices as her tongue would peek out from between her sweet petals she calls lips to come out and trace across her bottom lip in longing.

I'd gladly quench her thirst if she'd just ask me.

I gulped at that thought. My own tongue tracing across my bottom lip as I looked up from my guitar at Odango, who now seemed to have been asleep with a cookie dangling from her mouth.

I wonder how she does that sometimes ...

I sat my guitar down and got up, moving over to her to wake her up at least so she'd wouldn't choke on the sweet pastry.

"Odango?" I called to her once I stood in front of her. My hands came down to rest on her shoulders as I kneeled down to her level.

"Odango?" I tried again, giving her a slight shake.

She still didn't react to me or anything.

Nibbling on my bottom lip, I moved to just ease the cookie out from between her lips when my eyes zoomed in on them. Wetting my lips with my tongue again, I started to lean forward in some type of trance.

I'm just going to have one taste and I'll be good. Just one taste to know what their secret is to quench my thirst for her sweet nectar.

Wrapping my mouth around the other half of the cookie, I bit into it and swallowed before brushing my lips against hers in a feathery caress.

Ummm ... Strawberry lip gloss and a hint of vanilla ... I'm not sure if I could stop myself at just one ...

I continued to brush my lips against hers in a shadow of a kiss as something in my head kept on screaming at me about how wrong this was, but my heart won out at the end when I finally claimed her lips with my own.

Pouring all of my emotions into the kiss, I allowed this sweet euphoria that I'm sure that I'll never experience again.

She'll most likely never speak to me ever again after this ...

My heart clenched at that thought and I subconsciously pressed my lips more against hers to drink some more of what they were offering. Pulling away after a few more minutes, I trailed my tongue over the corner of her mouth which earned me a gasp from her.

My eyes widened when I opened them (I didn't even realize that they had closed before) to the horrifying realization that she caught me red-handed taking advantage of her in her sleep. I smacked myself internally for my stupidity.

Now she'll surely hate me! I'm such an idiot!

Shaking myself clear of shock and noticing the look of disgust that she was giving me, I started to babble (yes! I babble!),"Ugh! I shouldn't have done that! You must hate me now! All I was originally going to do was eat the other half of your cookie in your mouth, but -."

Her lips came down on mine in a heated kiss that had me wrapping my arms around her. Our tongues soon started to tango together in a passionate dance to assert dominance over the other.

My hands trailed down her sides to caress at her thighs as our kiss started to heat up even more when our breaths turned into pants of lust.

I'd die happily this way as long as she's in my arms ...

That thought soon got punctured by the obnoxious sound of someone banging on the door.

I pulled away from Odango's sweet lips to glare at the cursed door as if it were the very person, who I could already guess disrupted this sweet turn of events.

"It's time for us to do some more rehearsals, Seiya! Stop fooling around and let's go!" came Shrimp's equally obnoxious voice from the other side of the door, thoroughly chilling the heated atmosphere between Odango and myself.

Rolling my eyes at my friend's impatience, I retrieved my guitar where I sat it at and slung it back over my shoulder. I reached out a hand to Odango and cooed to her, "Want to watch me play some more?"

Her eyes looked between mine and my out-stretched hand with uncertainty.

"Come on! I don't bite ... " I chuckled before I gave her my best pantie-dropping look as I added with a purr, "unless you ask me to."

A blush instantly flared across her cheeks as she got up and swatted at me. "Pervert!" she screeched at me, storming out of the room.

I followed after her, laughing my head off at how cute she is whenever she's flustered by me. Ignoring the looks that we were getting from our friends, I resumed rehearsal with a renewed passion as I put my all into it even more in dedication to Odango.

Our eyes never strayed away from each other throughout rehearsal as my heart did leaps and bounds at finally achieving its inner desires. Still looking into Odango's glittering eyes, one thought crossed my mind that had me smiling even bigger at her and left a warmth within me.

She's finally mine to have ...

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