Chapter 14

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The next day, Leah woke up to her phone buzzing wildly. She grabbed it and looked at the screen to see a call from Cam. "That's weird..." she said aloud. "He almost never calls me..." however she still picked up.

"Yeah." She said tiredly into the phone, dragging herself out of bed.

"Leah, I-I need your help."

Leah immediately got worried. "What's up, what do you need?"

Cam sounded super flustered. "I-I completely forgot the bass part to Still Breathing and my folder is in my dorm room and I'm freaking out."

"Cam, calm down. I'll send you a picture of the paper right now, don't worry about it. Just....calm the hell down." She walked over to her desk and pulled out her folder. As Cam was practically having a melt down over the phone, Leah was leafing through the 84 papers they had. Finally she found the paper for the bass part in Still Breathing and took a picture of it.

While Cam was still on the phone, she sent it over to him by text. "I just sent it to you, calm down. We have one more whole week to practice. You need to stop having an anurism and get some sleep. Did you even sleep last night?"

Cam sighed into the phone. "No not really.....I kept waking up in the middle of the night."

"Cam before you practice any more get some sleep. Just rest today, you're worrying to much about the show and it's talking a physical toll on you. Just get some sleep."

" Okay, see you on Monday."

"Yep, see you on Monday." She hung up, and went downstairs. There was a note on the table from her mother that said she went to work and would be back around 6:30. Leah sighed and threw the note back on the table. Now she could practice with the amp on.

After eating breakfast and watching TV for about 20 minutes, Leah went upstairs and plugged her guitar amp into her guitar. She decided to practice another song they had started this week. Different Colors by Walk the Moon. They had started this one with Leah on guitar and Cam singing but Leah had harmonies with TJ, so she still had to sing. Her being a a bit tired, she messed up a couple times, but she got the hang of it after a little while. She was playing it with the song on YouTube so she new when to put on distortion and when to keep it off, when to come in and when to stop, and everything like that.

The songs they had worked on that week were Different Colors, Before You Start Your Day, The (After) Life Of The Party, Still Breathing, and All I wanted. Next week they were going to a recording studio to record three songs. They were recording these songs so the other band had an idea of what they're up against. The other band was going to do the same thing. Leah was nervous because she was singing almost all of the songs so far.

The songs Mr. C said they were going to record The (After) Life Of The Party, Before You Start Your Day, and Wheels. Cam and Leah were both singing Wheels at the same time while playing guitar, and Leah was on  lead in that song. She decided to practice that one instead. Their trip to the recording studio was on Tuesday, and Kyle and Brendon's band was going on Monday.

Leah was nervous. So nervous that when she went to bend the string in Wheels, she cut her finger open on it.

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