Chapter 3 ~ Just who was that girl?

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The faint breathing of the twos attacks continued, their weapons still pointed at each other.
Zane laughed before speaking
"Not bad.. but do you really think you can defeat me?!" Zane's voice powered through the room, he slowly walked towards A/N.
Now side to side he propped his sword into her back slightly, not flinching Y/N ceased to take action simply letting the sword dig slowly into her back but not before letting out a psychotic giggle
"Your miserably failing at trying to be intimidating"A/N stated vanishing from Zane's sight instantly.
Zane's eyes darted the room for any trace of A/N. "I have more power than you will ever have" her voice echoed through the room
She suddenly appeared right behind Zane. He quickly turned to deflect her strike, the clashing of metal rung through their ears.
"You're starting to get on my nerves!" Zane shouted swinging his sword towards A/N, she swiftly dodged his attack. "Tut tut, your getting rather impatient. That makes you vulnerable.." she giggled a creepy laugh
"There is something you should know about me Zane.." she trailed off
"I don't like to los-"
"It came from over here" a voice said from the hallway.
The guards had obviously heard the comotion and was stampeding for the office that the two stood in. The hooded female sighed slightly.
"I hate to cut this short, especially when things were getting interesting but~" she paused. "It seems we have company" The hooded figure stepped out onto the window seal swinging out her hand. "Till we meet again Zane Ro'meave" with that the dark F/C cloaked girl jumped out the window landing on her two feet.
Zane charged to the window looking down and the figure took off running, That's when the guards burst through the door panting slightly.
"High Priest are you alright?!" The first male guard turned to him.
"You idiots! Can't you do your jobs! You let an assassin in O'khasis whom tried to kill me!" Zane yelled in the males face. "Your supposed to guard me! That's what the word guard means!" He trailed off turning to stare at the window. "Useless..Do your task or I'll get someone to do it for you! I don't have time to lecture you! So do your job! While your at it! Find the Assassin and bring her to me! Alive!" He commanded at the guard who backed away slightly. "O-of course High Priest.." He muttered scurrying out the door.
Zane was to his own thoughts still staring out the window..
"Just who was that girl?.."

Sorry for a short chapter but I wanted to put something out while I deal with the massive writer's block I have. I'm working on my Oneshots like crazy and I'm figuring out some ideas, I'll make sure to get it out as soon as I can!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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