A Year Made

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"As long as I have you in my life my year is always made."

The plan is all set up and Caspar cannot wait to surprise Joe. Whenever they would hang out together. Just only the two of them, Joe can't help but ramble on about Robbie Williams, how amazing his music is, how brilliant of a human he is and how much he really wants to achieve his goal on meeting Robbie. There are times when Caspar comes home, Joe would be singing his heart out with Robbie's songs blaring all over their flat. Caspar didn't really mind how Joe is such a fanboy for Robbie as long as Joe is happy and contented, he is too and that's what matters to him. But in all seriousness, Caspar thought it is adorable. Having this plan for some time and bringing this to reality is something Caspar would be proud of, he is not only doing this for his viewers entertainment but mostly importantly this is all for Joe.

They have talked over the phone and dealt that it is final, that Joe is going. He set the hidden cameras to certain places in the house and then texted Joe where he is right now.

Caspar: Where are you right now? X

Joe: I'm almost there. 5 minutes by now I'll be there. This better not be any kind of foolish prank Caspar, I just postponed my meeting for you. Xx

For you. Caspar smiled to himself as he stared at his phone. They are pretty much used in sending kisses in every text they both shared. Times when they are distanced from each other due to a ton of meetings and travelling they usually, call, face timed and text at night and even till midnight. Even with sharing banters via text they always put at least 2-3 kisses at the end. Even their goodnight texts, they pretty much typed a whole speech about how much they miss each other and other cheesy and witty sayings like that. When both have already sent back their goodnight texts, they lay down, huge grins on their faces as they finally sleep. Joe is not one to express affection with others even through texting but of course Caspar is an exception. Josh then texted.

Josh: He's here and I'm filming.

Caspar put his phone down then walk to the door, opening it, smiling as he saw his little pudding looking gorgeous, standing on the door step. Joe legit just wore the same thing as Caspar; white plain shirt, black skinny jeans, white rubber shoes and a fluffy white denim jacket.


"What's going on?"


"What's going on?"

"Welcome to..."

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean?'

"Is this a prank?'


Caspar's smile grew wider as he led Joe inside the house. Joe still suspicious about this prank.

"He's not here right now. He's just making us a cup of tea. He wanted to make you feel welcome. He's kind of nervous about meeting you." Caspar said as he sat down.

"What are you doing? I don't get it."

Caspar patted the seat beside him indicating to Joe to sit down.

"So, how are you?" Caspar asked softly.

It's so soft it makes Joe wanna burst in a puddle of contentment.

"On edge!"


"What's going on?"

"I wanted to make you aware that I've got a new roommate and he's a nice guy and this is not going to affect our relationship."

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