The Beauty He Didn't See

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Summary: Joe says Caspar's beautiful, but Caspar doesn't believe him.

Song Recommendation: The Only Exception by Paramore

Date Published: 08.31.17

a/n: I've been listening to that song on repeat, and I've concluded it will always bring me to tears. Also, it's been so long, woops. But hey, here's the fluff and cheesiness! Also I cried writing this, ugh idk anymore.

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Caspar woke from the ring of the doorbell. He gets up sluggishly from his comfortable bed, grabbing his phone. 6:43, it is. Who gets up this early on a Saturday morning? But either way, he forces himself to walk to his wardrobe, putting his grey sweatpants on. Still rubbing his eyes to get rid of his still droopy eyes, he walks his way to the doorway. Unlocking the doorknob, he looks straight to only see, his fresh, readily dressed, stunning brunette boyfriend. Heart racing and his mind all a mess, Caspar had his eyes wide open and he puts on his smile. Trying his best to look at least cool, when he just woke up. Stroking his hair a bit back, and opening the door invitingly.

"Good Morning Casp." Joe wears his grin. "Good Morning Joe." He says it back, chuckling nervously, "Please come in."

He closes the door carefully, and closes his eyes for a second, biting his lips, he feels underdressed and horrible considering he had just woken up. He checks on his morning breath, and as expected it is morning breath. He turns on his heel, directly looking at Joe who had put the bag of goodies on the table. He stands there awkwardly with his hand at the back, palms filling with sweat. He coughs and says, "I--I'll just go and change," He looks down at his feet when all Joe did was smile, his heart is beating too fast. "I look—horrible an-and shit, and yeah I have to." Caspar's cheeks turn bright pink, and he purses his lips together, and Joe finds that adorable.

Joe walks up to him, laying his thumb lightly on Caspar's cheeks, caressing the pink blush. Caspar's breath hitched, and he blinked a few times, feeling much more relaxed with Joe's lingering touch and calming blue-green eyes. "You don't look shit. You are beautiful." Joe says each words as light and fluffy as the white cotton-candy clouds. And he raises the corsage of pink roses in between them. The smile on Joe's face matched the ones that grew on Caspar's face.

"Thank you."


The long drive to the country side is refreshing and freeing. It is their best decision for the day, and being in an urban city surrounded by businessmen, loud honking cars, blinding bright lights all the time is chaotic and consuming. So Caspar takes all the cool, fresh air of England's countryside inside his lungs, eyes closed and head's out the car window.

And Joe just occasionally looking at Caspar, watching his hair blown by the wind and his face relaxed and content.

"Do you ever thought about living in the countryside, Cas?" Joe navigates the stirring wheel to turn its way right. Caspar looks back at him and says, "Now that you mention it, yeah, I kinda now thought about it." Joe raised one brow at him, "Now?" Caspar gets himself comfortable on his seat, and he plays with the seams of his jumper, getting very interested with it. "Well I think about my future, and I usually envisioned it living in the city where you usually find things accomplished. Well there are definitely a lot of angry people around you, but there are some who dreams just as the same as you, people who are determined to reach their goals and who are not tired of giving their absolute all, just like me. And it's just amazing to be surrounded by them because I'll feel inspired."

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