Chapter 8 When In Doubt, Run Away

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Nadia pulled me into a tight hug.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" I mumbled into her shoulder.

She pulled away and gave me a meek smile.

"He'll understand" she said.

"You don't sound very convinced..."

We continued walking down the corridor. It was a Monday morning, made even worse by the fact that I had no idea how I would be able to look Doug in the eye -ever again.

We stopped at Nadia's locker and she proceeded to open it and sort out her books.

"I'm sorry Sami!" she snapped suddenly, fire blazing angrily in her eyes. "But why?"

Taken aback by her sudden outburst, I was about to shout at her before realising I wasn't sure why myself. I mean, we had been talking about really deep things, and I really don't know why I had decided to tell him about my parents and all that but I did. Then he tried know...

What the fuck?!

Can't even say the word 'kiss' anymore you freak...

I had to breathe deeply before explaining to Nadia.

"Have you ever been in a situation where everything happens at once, and you're not sure whether you can distinguish true from false? Then something happens that makes something in your brain implode on itself because it just can't handle all the information it's being forced to process.

"Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what happened on Saturday. Literally nothing. All the secrets I was telling him. Him! A boy I barely know well enough for it to be okay to know each other's birthdays! And I was telling him my darkest secrets. Then he goes and makes a move and of course I freak!" I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "I'm not happy with what I did Nadia. Please understand that. I just really need your help right now because I don't think I can deal with even seeing him."

Nadia nodded with a reassuring smile.

The thing was that if I saw him, saw his eyes and how they looked into me and drew out all the worry, I would remember Saturday, and how I felt then. And I did something stupid, so I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me for that.

"You know," Nadia started slowly. "We have French now, there's no escape."

I chuckled, causing her face to contort into a look of confusion.

I tapped my fingers in the air singing "Piano lesson!"

Once I started humming Fur Elise Nadia hit my arm, giving me a sour look.

"Well look who sucked a lemon..." I remarked.

"Sooner or later," she reprimanded me. "There'll come a time when you have to talk to him. You have to finish the project after all."

I huffed loudly and turned around. Then I turned back again straightaway: because Rob Johnson and The Brady Bunch were heading right our way.

"So Sami" Rob drawled. "Had a good weekend?"

I stayed silent, not even facing him. But he relentlessly carried on, putting his face right by my neck.

"Not my fault you have no life" he whispered, making me wince as I felt his breath brush past my ear. "And the only boyfriend you've ever had was fictional."

I want to punch his fucking face so much right now.

Nadia seemed to sense my inner violent urges as she shot me a pleading look. But all I could hear was Rob's cackle and the echoes of the rest of them.

My face grew hot as my blood boiled. I couldn't take anymore shit; I wasn't just a pawn in the chessboard of life.

"Good one Rob!" I heard Lucas say.

"You're just a fucking prude Sami!" Tom shouted.

All their simultaneous laughs merged into one echoing embodiment and I whipped around, my face inches from the dickhead who leaned away suddenly with an audible "Urgh!" creating an uproar from the rest.

I had an armada of cusses and insults ready to fire but as I opened my mouth a voice made itself heard from behind the group.

"Shut up for once would you!"

And of course it just had to be the one person that I definitely did not want there.

"Dougie?" asked Jake.

He pushed his way to the front and made eye contact with me. Pale as a sheet, and the frightened little coward I am, I opted for the floor.

Anywhere but his eyes.

"You know," Doug said, standing in front of Rob who held a confused yet bemused expression. "All this time I've hung out with you guys, not once did I ask you why you do this to Sami. So I'm asking now. And I'd like an answer."

Rob scoffed and turned to the others for support. But they just stood there, not sure of what to do or say.

"What the fuck are you on about?" he laughed, but I saw a flash of panic in his eyes, if only just for a second.

"I think you heard my question, Rob"

Then Rob did something: he punched Doug.

Doug held his face and glanced at me; not a look of pity, no, but of defiance. Rob however smirked arrogantly as if justice had been restored. He definitely was not expecting Doug to punch him back, hard.

His arms tense and powerful, he struck Rob right in the nose, creating a loud cracking sound.

Behind me Nadia gasped and we heard a shout from down the corridor as Mr Kelton ran towards the scene.

Thirty minutes later, I walked out of the headmaster's office after having had to explain the whole thing. Outside, however, I found Doug sitting in a chair, waiting to be called in to tell his part of the story. He stood up when he saw me.

Not what I need right now.

"Sami, I think we need to talk about what happened. Not only just now," he said. "But Saturday."

I said nothing so he carried on, scratching the back of his head. "You're probably wondering why I did what I di-"

"I'm late for a piano lesson" I whispered, cutting him off.

I hurried silently away, my head low, trying not to think about all the things that had just happened.


I can't believe I've hit the 100 read mark on this! Thank you to everybody!

I hope you enjoyed that chapter it was quite badass because I'm in a badass angst mood because of Doctor Who and Sherlock and all the fandom things that have been happening.

What is life anymore?

Kiki out :)

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