Chapter 12 And In My Spare Time...

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Concerning hobbies, I had a few. Not many I did trivially, but a few that I was pretty serious about.

Firstly was music, namely being the piano, that I loved playing. We have this beautiful grand piano in our house that makes an amazing sound; the pitch and tone are perfect and the keys move under my fingers with such ease it's almost magical.

Secondly was photography. Not exactly those amazing images you see in magazines taken with super expensive cameras, but pictures that I feel capture a moment perfectly. It all started when my dad gave me a vintage camera three years ago for my birthday, and my collection has grown since.

Lastly, I'm not a very sporty person, but one I love is swimming. When I was a bit younger I entered lots of races with my local swimming club, and I won quite a few. I don't swim competitively now though, but I still do it to relax.

Why are you telling me this? I hear you ask. Well, this is part of my French coursework.

Describe your hobbies and why you do them.

In what situation is a French person going to want to know this?! Answer: no situation. We are taught how to describe our hobbies and express our views on recycling in our town centre but I have no idea how to ask where to find the nearest bathroom. This will therefore render me useless when going to a French city after lunch in the middle of summer.

It was when I was typing up my answer to my French homework entitled 'What are your views on fashion?' at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning when my sister decided to burst into my room.

"What" I groaned, removing my headphones.

"I'm going to my tap lesson" she declared, glancing at her watch.

"Right." I said, reaching for my headphones because I thought this to be a complete waste of time.

Because it is...

"Yeah well you're going to be home alone for a few hours because we're all going to pick out a dress for the recital afterwards" she snapped, looking impatient.

I stood up and headed to where she was standing under the door frame. "Have fun then" I said and consequently closed the door.

I thought I heard a desolate sigh from outside the door but I dismissed the thought.

Minutes later I heard the front door close.

Any teenager in my situation would ring up everyone they knew and announce a party. Empty house, sufficient time span and, even though it was 10 in the morning, a great opportunity.

Not me though. Not only did I not have that many friends, but I could not afford to risk it. I was in enough trouble already.

But it wasn't even like this was the first time this had happened, oh no. This happened frequently because Abbie was always busy.

She did pretty much everything humanely possible, her timetable was endless.

Let me give you an example of an average Tuesday.

Before school: water polo

Break time: strings club

Lunch: charity club and debating

After school: equestrian and modern dance

How a human being can function with so many activities is beyond me. And weekends are so much worse. With so little spare time, it's amazing she hasn't gone insane. It hasn't stopped her being a pretentious bitch though. Or the favourite child.

"What to do..." I muttered to myself once I'd finished all my work.

Almost on impulse, I reached for my phone and unlocked it. My thumbs danced over the screen until I realised the decision was futile and I threw it onto my bed with an exasperated sigh.

My watch told me one more hour until my parents and Abbie would return so I decided to just do nothing. Nothing was something my parents frowned upon: idleness was a crime. It felt like they were collectively Emperor Draco of Ancient Rome.

I flopped onto my bed and let out a loud sigh. A thought niggled in the back of my mind: what exactly did Dougie mean yesterday?

I'll see you. Soon.

Normally I would regard that as a casual thing, a saying never used in earnest. Soon meant Monday right?

But he had sounded so serious, and angry. To be completely honest, added onto the kiss that followed, it was confusing.

Time passed. The front door opened, announcing the arrival of my family.

"Sami" my mum smiled at me as she stumbled in with Abbie's heavy dance bag. "We didn't take too long did we?"

"No Mum" I replied. "I managed to do a few things"

"That's a good girl" my dad said as he dragged five shopping bags inside, closely followed by Abbie who, naturally, carried no load.

I walked upstairs, after helping with some of the bags, to go and get my camera. It was a nice day, and the garden presented plenty of opportunity for some great photos.

Ah, the perks of May weather.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, but we weren't expecting anyone.

I walked to my window as peered down onto the driveway.

Dougie Olner was standing there.


I had originally planned for shit to go down in this chapter but I decided to extend it to the next one.

I promise.

Predictions for what happens next are welcome so comment my lovelies.

Kiki out :)

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