Questions pt.2

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So as you may know that Keela was left with some surprising news let's see what's she has to say to her "family" Oh and I have made a few changes to the last chapter, so you might want to check it out when you get a chance!


Raymond's P.O.V.

*I can't stand to see her like this I must help her in some way but I just don't know how I mean it's the weekend and I was suppose to be going to Jacline Rose's house party at seven, but I have a new responsibility to uphold and I don't want to mess it all up by being stupid*


Keela's P.O.V.

*I love how Ray is so supportive about things, I didn't know he was so sweet, so when he drops me off I see my "mom" crying on the sofa and my "dad" trying to comfort her, with my brother on the side with hate/hurt in his eyes* "Um... I'm home?" I start off "Your home now but not last night, I come home to see that my wife and my son bawling their eyes out just cause you got mad and left!!" My dad screams "Well seems like she didn't tell you the whole story about why I left, and plus you don't have ANY right to scream, because you aren't the one dealing with crap that your just finding out about!" I say protesting "You what? Finding out about what! You mean that wasn't the whole story Hope?" My dad sounding a bit hurt and confused, she started to open her mouth when my brother finally yelled out "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE, Dad, Keela left because mom told her that we aren't her real family and that her real parents gave her up to us and told mom that they would soon be back to take Keela back once her 16th birthday comes!" *I look over to trying to catch my brothers gaze and to see that he had the "I'm sorry" and "How could you" look on his face*  "Look I came here to make things right so, all I am going to say is, I'm sorry, okay, there I said it! I shouldn't have walked out I should have maybe at least gave you a chance to explain before I left, and I just knew that you (Dad), nor, Mark knew anything about it so I am just going to sit and listen to what mom has to say about this situation, but before I do that I'm going to call Jammy, I figure he would know something about this than I would." I say, just to see that my parents have a really confused look on their faces. "I think that he is my brother" I try to point out, so I run upstairs to text Jammy, so that I could get the concerned faces off of me while I am doing business.


 KeelaBabay- Hey, can you do me favor?

JMaster17_- Yeah, what's up, you okay?

KeelaBabay- Yes, I'm fine, but I need you to come over to my house, because I think that you know something that I don't, its really important!

JMaster17_- Yeah, um, where to you live?

KeelaBabay- Are you sure you're not going to come and stalk me if I do? Ha, I'm just kidding!

JMaster17_- Ha, real funny, but with all seriousness what is it girly!

KeelaBabay- Okay, okay and don't call me girly, it's 2462 Warchester Willaby  Av., got it?

JMaster17_- Yes ma'am, I'll be there in 5 mins.

KeelaBabay- Okay


Jammy's P.O.V.

*Man, I don't know what it is about but I think that Keela's parents finally told her about their secret, I just know it that this is what the text was about, so when I finally made it to Keela's house and I was super like super nervous. I mean what would I say or how will I say it, but you know what I am just going wing it, well I am still not that very good at that but I don't care, so I walk up and ring the doorbell, and I wait and wait and wait and just when I am about to leave the doorstep I see Keela open the door very unhappy* "What's wrong with you?" I ask with an attitude, with a smirk on my face *the smirk was a good touch Jammy* "Well, the only thing wrong with me is that I have a dude named Jammy showing up at my house 5 mins late and I hate people being late for anything, now if that answers you question can we PLEASE get you in here so that we can talk for a moment before I talk to my parents!" Keela says very impatient with me


Well this is it, um well I'm sorry I lied, well not really, but I feel like I did for saying that Keela might meet her biological family but as soon as I figure out a way to do it then I will, but for now you will have to be patient, well that's all for now!



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