Chapter 18

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I wake up to some noise. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look at my window and see Ryder coming in.

My eyes widen at the sight. He was wearing basketball shorts and that was it.

"Your going to wake my parents"I hiss.

"I don't care"he says getting under the covers with me.

"Not trying to sound rude but what are you doing here?"I ask him.

"I just can't go back home right now. Nobody is happy with me so can I stay here for a few days?"

I shrug. "You shouldn't have left three months ago." 

He groans and pulls the covers up to his nose.

"I know." I pat his head and turn so that he's looking at my back.

"You can stay here"I whisper before going back to sleep.
                   *  *  *
I wake up to someone's hot breathe hitting my face.

I open my eyes and see Ryder sleeping peacefully.

I sit up and stare at him. He smiles in his sleep.

I brush his hair out of his eyes. Then I get up and stretch.

I pull out my clothes for the day and take off my shirt. 

I hear the bed move. Ryder's awake. I really could care less if he saw me like this.

I smirk as I plan forms in my mind.

I slid off my shorts and swing my hips a little. I hear Ryder grunt. My plans working.

Now I was only in my bra and panties. I turn and look at the floor so he couldn't see me smirking. I then meet his gaze.

He was full on staring at me. His eyes filled with lust.  I smirk a little.

I stand up straight making him eye me up and down. Its working.

I bend down and pick up his shirt he left here a few months ago before he left. I put it on.

"Ash what are you doing to me"he whispers standing up. I gulp as he comes closer.

He stops before our chests could touch. I stare up into his eyes. The only thing I could hear was our breathing.

He puts his hand on my cheek and caresses it.

"Ryder what are you doing?"I whisper.

He leans forward so that our foreheads are touching.

He looks at my lips then my eyes.
I grip his shoulder making him come closer as he could get. 

"Ash I've always liked you. You know. But Aaron won't be to happy"he whispers.

I frown. "Who cares what Aaron will think. Me and him had a fight last night we always fight."

That's when Ryder leans forward again so that our lips brush against each other.

I grasp his shirt pulling him closer. I feel him smirk against the kiss. 

He pulls away and wraps his arms around my waist.

"So how was the kiss?"he asks tightening his grip on me. 

"Amazing." He chuckles and pecks my cheek.

"Call Aaron and tell him its over. I want to call you mine"he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. 

I nod and pick up the phone. Aarons not going to be happy about this.

After I tell Aaron its over I hung up. He was actually happy were together. Shocker.

I turn to see Ryder smiling.

"He took it well surprisingly"I mutter.

Ryder nods and hugs me.

"I'm so happy your mine." I push him away. He frowns and then gives me a confused look.

"You have to ask me properly first." He groans. This makes me giggle.

"Ashley will you be my girlfriend?"

I fake gasp. "Of course I will." 

He chuckles and pats my head like a pet. I swat his hand away.

"I'm not a pet"I groan.

"Yeah whatever you say ash now get ready for school." I nod and pull out some clothes. 

I change into those clothes and brush out my hair while Ryder was downstairs fixing breakfast.

After pulling my hair up in a high ponytail I walk downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen to see Ryder fully dressed. He was cooking away lost in his own world.

I hop up on the counter and toss a apple up and down. This get his attention. He turns to me and smirks.

"Babe your losing my concentration"he whines gabbing the apple and putting it back in the bowl.

I roll my eyes." Yeah whatever. Anyway what's for breakfast?"

He turns back to the food.

"Pancakes and toast." I nod and jump off the counter.

I take a seat at the table. He finally comes with two plates of our food. I yelp and take the plate from him.

He rolls his eyes and sits down.

After breakfast we get into my car. I drive us to school in silence.

I step out of my car and see everybody stop what their doing.
I'm guessing Ryder changed his profile on Instagram taken by me.

He steps out of the car on cue and grabs my hand.

I gulp not ready for what people are gonna say.  We walk past everybody who was staring.

We finally make it inside and to my locker. He leans against the locker next to mine and scrolls through his phone.

I sigh and open my locker. I put everything in there I didn't need and shut it.

I look around and notice Brooke coming my way. Great.

She scowls at me and slaps me clear across my face. I stumble back a little but catch my fall. Ryder's eyes widen.

He runs to my side.

"You bitch he was mine and you stole him"she yells making everybody turn to us.

"He was never yours Brooke. And he never will be"I sneer.

She frowns and throws her purse at one of her friends.

"Fight me then bitch." I look at her shocked. She knows I could kick her ass is she for real right now?

I shrug and push Ryder away.

"Fine then let's fight" I spat.

She smirks and yanks my hair. I hiss in pain and punch her nose. She let's go and holds onto her nose.

Blood was spilling out of her nose. I smirk.

She whines in pain.

"She hit me. This bitch just hit me"she sobs.

Ryder puts a hand on my shoulder and leads me away from Brooke.

He pushes me outside of the school.

"I get your mad and shit but you didn't have to go and hit Brooke"he yells.

"She hit me first you idiot"I spat.

"Babe you just need to cool down a bit." I throw my hands up in the air.

"Calm down! She just hit me and I hit her back for defense." He stops smiling and hugs me.

"Babe I only like you. Don't pay her no attention."

I nod and snuggle more into the hug.

"Now come on its time for class."

I nod and take his hand in mind before walking back to class.

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