Chapter 20

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Clair's POV
I look around and see a guy standing with a gun in his hand aiming it at Ryder.

Ryder pulls out a gun. Why does he have to do this now? And why the does he have a gun?

Did he know this was going to happen? Ashley jumps back and yanks a gun out of her pocket.

I hold onto Blake's arm. He clenches his jaw.

"Who is that?"I whisper to him.

"That's the same guy who shot me a few months ago"he hisses.

My face drains color. I heard this guy was dangerous and wanted Ashley. Why won't this guy give up?

The guys chuckles. What the fuck!

"Sean why don't you just give up already"Ryder sneers.

Sean smirks. "Because its just fun watching you guys in pain."

This can't be happening.

Ryder pulls Ashely behind him. She scowls at him in response.

"Now give me Ashley and I'll be on my way"Sean yells making me jump.

Ryder shakes his head. "Not a chance."

Sean scowls and aims the gun at Ashley.

"Give me Ashely now or I'll shoot her.''

Once again Ryder shakes his head. Sean sighs and shakes his head.

"Alright then-" he turns to Ashley. "-Ashley you can thank your boyfriend for this."

Her face goes pale as he puts his finger on the trigger. I squeeze Blake's arm.

"Please don't shoot her"I whisper to myself.

Just then I hear police cars. I let out a relieved sigh. Thank god.

Sean and the other guys run off. Then the police bust through the doors.

They all look at us then they look at Ryder and Ashley.

"Are y'all alright"one of them finally asks.

We all nod in response. The officer nods and motions for everybody to follow him outside.
I stay close to Blake as we walk outside. Once we get to my car I sigh. Blake gives me a confused look.

"Is everything okay baby?"he asks getting In the car.

I shake my head and start the car.

"Its just I wanted this lunch to be perfect but this guy ruined it."

"Next time baby okay."

I nod and drive off.

                     *  *  *
Ryder's POV
I tighten my grip on Ashley's arm as we walk inside her house.

Her parents was in the kitchen pacing back and forth.

"Mom and dad why won't he give up?"Ashley asks sitting on a stool.

"Because he wants you he won't give up until he has you"her mom says squeezing masons shoulder.

Ashley frowns. "Its not fair. I can't go anywhere without him following."

"I know that's why we have a plan. You and Ryder are going to your mother's cousins Beatrice house for two weeks in Florida"mason says holding up packed bags.

They've been planning this for a long time.

Ashley nods slowly.

I take the bags from mason and turn to Ashley. "Its only temporarily until they catch them baby"I assure her.

She doesn't seem convinced at all but still she nods.

I put my hand on her back and lead her outside to my car.

She gets in and I put the bags up. I get in and start to drive to Florida.

                      *  *  *
Ashley's POV
I lay my head on the window and look out the window.

I didn't like the fact that I was gonna have to stay in Florida for two weeks but it will keep me safe until they catch him.

I don't get why he won't give up. They say because when he wants something he'll get it.

But hell I just think he wants to get to my mom again. But that's just my opinion. 

I get shaken out of my thoughts when Ryder taps my shoulder. I look over at him.

"Alright about 20 more minutes until we get there"he says looking back at the road.

"Okay,"I reply looking back out the window.

Out the corner of my eye I see Ryder keep looking close to the road. I look again and he's still doing it.

I sit up and look his way.

"You okay?"I ask.

He nods. "Yes just my eyes I can't read the signs ahead."

I laugh. He needs glasses probably.  He raises an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?"

"I think you need glasses"I say trying to hold back my laughter.

He sighs. "Oh my god no I can't have glasses. It will mess up my looks."

I roll my eyes. This again.

"First thing we do when we get to Florida is get you glasses."

He sighs and shakes his head.

I laugh and lay back in the seat and fall asleep.

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