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Emma's pov

Oh. My. Gosh. I am so excited about today. Today is the day I finally meet my Internet best friend, Killian, in real life. We have been talking for about three years now. We Skype almost every day. In the weekends, for more than four hours. It often happened that we fell asleep while Skype was still on. Then we'd wake up in the morning and see each other again. We would then talk until we had to leave for school.

Killian is 17. Only one year older than me. He lives in Vancouver while I live in Los Angeles. He was born in Ireland and has lived there for 15 years until he moved to Canada. When he moved, we already talked for about two weeks. I remember that, when he told me he would be moving to Canada, I was really happy. Mostly because he would be living closer to me and the chance I'd be able to meet him, would be bigger.

Our parents, however, had never allowed us to meet up until this point. A few weeks ago, his parents had told him he would be coming to Los Angeles for two weeks to meet me. He would be coming alone though. His parents wouldn't be able to come because they had a really popular business. I don't remember what exactly it is because it's a complicated thing.

And to be honest, I didn't care either. The only thing that mattered to me was the fact I would be meeting Killian. I had been counting down days until this very day. A week ago already, I had set up an extra bed for him in my room. No, we aren't a couple. Although I must admit he was really handsome. And I couldn't wait to finally be able to stare in his perfect, ocean blue eyes.


I woke up at 5 am. I guess I was just too excited about today. I took my phone off my nightstand and saw that I had 5 messages. All of them were from Killian.

The first one was sent at 4.30 am.

Kidh: Good morning Swan. Just woke up.

Yes, he was as 'Kidh' in my phone. It was just something I started and I keep using it. It means 'Killian is devilishly handsome'

The second one was sent at 4.50 am.

Kidh: Just showered

The third one made my heart melt. It was sent 2 minutes after the second one.

Kidh: Can't wait to meet you, love 😘 So excited about it xxx

The x's were just in a friendly way. As was the kiss emoji.

The fourth and fifth one were sent at 5 am, right after each other, and made me laugh.

Kidh: Bloody hell, can't find that dammed passport

Kidh: Never mind, found it 😉

I decided to reply because it's just so funny.

Me: Make sure you don't forget anything. Especially your head XD 😉

He replied almost instantly.

Kidh: Ha, very funny Swan. What are you doing up at this hour anyway?

Me: I guess I'm just too excited about today. I just woke up and saw your messages. It made me smile.

Kidh: Glad I could make you smile

Me: When does your flight leave? I keep forgetting.

Kidh: And then you'd tell me not to forget my head ... My plane leaves at 7.50 am. So, I'm going to leave soon

Me: And then around 10.50 am WE FINALLY MEET!!!!!

Kidh: YAASSSS!! Finally

Me: Look, I'm going to get ready and double check everything. Again. And when I'm fine and have time left, I'm going to freak out and run around and jump up and down.

Kidh: Okay, I get it. My mom just said we leave for the airport in 10 minutes. About 5 hours left, love

Me: I know! Okay, SEE you in 5 hours xx

Kidh: 5 hours xx

I put my phone aside and get up. I walk to the bathroom and fill the bathtub. I put my hair in a messy bun and take off my pajamas. Well, they're not really pajamas. Just some tank top and sweatpants. I got in the warm water and relaxed a bit. I was excited but also stressed. What if something would go wrong? I'm not going to think about it right now.

I stayed in the bathtub longer than necessary. The water was already cold by the time I got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my closet. I picked out some warm clothes since it was December 21st, which means it was winter. I chose for a pair of black skinny jeans, a long-sleeve t-shirt with 'so glad I met you' on, my red leather jacket and black boots.

When I had put my clothes on, I took my make-up bag. I did my every day make-up look which was a natural look. When I was completely done, it was 7am. I fell down on my bed. Face first. Ugh, 4 hours left. I hated waiting. Especially so long. I turned around so I was staring at the ceiling and just laid there for an hour. From the outside, I may have looked relaxed, but on the inside, I was dying.

Finally, when it was 8.15 am, I walked downstairs and made myself some pancakes. I didn't even have patience for them to bake. When they we're ready, I sat down with my plate in front of me. I ate rather quickly even though I had all the time in the world.

After I ate, I threw myself on the couch and watched some Netflix until it was 10.15 am. Until it was time to leave to go to the airport, where I would be meeting my best friend in real life for the very first time. Gosh, I am so excited.

[First one!!

I am really excited about this story and can't wait to see all of your reaction's.

A big thank you to presstheemmabutton for letting me use 'kidh' in my fanfic. Before you start asking, yes I asked her and she allowed me to.

This story will be updated once a week. I'm gonna try to update every Sunday.

I'm also writing this story in honor of all my internet best friends💕
Love you all.]

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