Chapter 4

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It was around 5:30 in the morning and rain was still falling from the sky. Frank had fallen asleep on the couch in my office about an hour after he had cleaned up his cuts. I decided to bring him home; he can't stay with me. He's still in high school and has a home to go to. Even though he said his mom drinks a lot, she must at least care for him. I mean, she has to. He's just a kid.

I stopped at a red light and leaned back in my seat. I looked over to my right and looked at Frank while he was still sleeping. His arms crossed each other, and slid into his sides like two snakes. Frank's whole face was so innocent, even though there was cuts all over and it looked like he was attacked by a badger. Before I started to drive again, Frank began to wake up from his nap.

He slowly lifted himself up, looking around the car, confused. "Where are we?" He said as he looked at me with half-closed eyes.

I looked back at the road, the light had switched from red to green. As I stepped on the gas pedal, I tried to think of a subtle way to tell him that he can't stay with me and has to go home. "I'm...uh....taking you home. You need to be with your family, and not some stranger that you have just met."

A look of despair and anger spread across is face. "But-but you're not a stranger. Yes I only met you yesterday, but you saved my life. Don't act like I am just some kid that you helped out, and don't you dare act like there isn't anything here." I clenched the wheel, staring straight ahead. "I know I am in high school and you're out of college, but that doesn't change anything." His voice began to crack, making it obvious he was about to cry. "I-I love you, and I don't want to loose you. Not again."

I pulled over to the side of the street he lived on. I can't tell him the truth on how I feel. He will just end up hurt and depressed. Nobody ever stays with me. I always push them away, or they leave me because I'm too depressed to be around.

I turned in my seat so I would be facing him instead of the car parked in front of me. "Look, I know that you must think that the feeling is mutual. But....but this can't happen." Tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm-I'm sorry." I wiped some tears falling from my face.

Frank didn't say anything. His expression said it all. He was hurt, I could tell. But instead of speaking how he felt, he hit the car with his fist. "Fuck!" He said while holding his fist in pain.

"Frank please." I stretched out my hand to calm him down, but he swung the door open while dodging my grasp. He stormed out of the car and ran towards his house. "Frank!" I jumped out of my seat trying to reach for him as if I could catch him before he ran away. I slid back down in my seat and drove away fast, maybe even a little too fast. I just needed to get away from him.

Tears were clouding my eyes and I couldn't see anything on the road. What am I doing? I can't drive like this. I slammed on the brakes, making my body eject forward out of the seat. The rainstorm was heavier than before, my windshields covered with droplets of rain. I pulled the car over and started crying. The only sounds that surfaced the car was the noises escaping my mouth and the pitter patter of rain on the car windows. What am I doing? Why couldn't I have just taken him home with me? Why did I have to be so stupid? If his mother is an alcoholic and there is no father, of course she isn't going to care about him. That's it. I need to go to him and apologize. I need him. He needs me.

I swung the car door open, letting rain come into the car. I slammed it shut and started running towards his house. Water came down in giant drops, blinding my sight. Air filled my lungs with every short and quick breath I took, making my lungs expand then shrink back to normal. I went to take another breath, until suddenly I couldn't breathe. Voices surrounded me, yelling and cursing at each other; possibly even at me. My whole limbs were numb; I couldn't move anything. A deep, sharp pain engulfed the left side of my rib cage. I wanted to cry, give a sign that I'm still alive, but the only moisture in my eyes was the stinging from the drops of rain falling from the sky above. Unfamiliar blurs of movement rushed before me as I, the nameless figure, lay there motionless on the street. Minutes after, someone familiar was with me, one hand cradling my head the other brushing his hand up and down my body.

"Please be okay." I could make out that it was Frank, his voice like a child that just lost his mother. It cracked between every other syllable, making him sound broken and hurt.

I started drifting in and out of sleep; a sleep that could last forever or only for a few weeks. Loud noises screeched around me, sirens blasting in my ears, blaring lights flashing in my eyes. I could make out few words from the strange voices surrounding me. "Drive faster ....blood .....Gerard ....lots of it ....CEO..." Everything was in motion; the cars, the people, the lights. But all of that started to fade, the colors washed away and the darkness rushed to take its place.

AN: This is a short chapter I know, but I wanted to get at least something up. When I write I have to be in a certain mood. I need to relate to the characters in some way, and a lot of the times it's hard to do that. I do apologize for the long wait but as I explained in the previous author's note, this has become more of a side project for me and not a main thing. The updates will be few and far apart, so again I do apologize.

-xoxo kelly

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