Chapter Two

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Here is the long awaited chapter. Santa got my letter so I hope you all had a great Christmas. Anyways Live for the night by Krewella is the song of the chapter. The lovely Nikki Reed if she were naturally blonde is our Nikita. Unedited because I am lazy lately. Enjoy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


My stomach grumbled me awake to be fed at two in the morning.

I crept out of my room and saw the kitchen light was already on. If it was my brother should I scare him?

Instead it was just my mother in the kitchen and on the phone.

"2 o'clock in the morning?" I said loud enough to make her jump and clutch her chest. "Seriously?"

I know I sounded like the parent here but this was unheard of. My mother was always in bed by ten at the latest. She the first to go to sleep and the last to get up. It used to be the other way around but my brother and I were grown up now.

"Blake you scared me!" She bugged her eyes out at me, "Let me call you back," she told who ever it was on the other line.

I watched her set the phone down on the counter and I waited.

"That would be Dave," she said almost unemotionally, "We've been talking for months and dating just as long."

The shock that came across my face couldn't be helped.


"Oh no I wont hear it because I am the parent here not you," she threw her hands up in the air. "This wont become another sitcom on daytime television."

I blinked rapidly at her trying to think of something to say.

"He's nice to me. He's good to his daughter. I am done moping over your father," she said.

I kind of had an irrelevant thought here. Sean and I, our first conversation at school while we were both on our way to our next class. He didn't have a dad either and I found that intriguing.

"Is he moving in?" I asked using the wall to keep me standing.

"T-that is none of-"

"It is my business," I corrected her, "I live here."

Her face started to turn red but I wasn't backing down.

"But don't worry its not me you have to worry about as much its going to be Phil," I said not really wanting to play that card but it was true.

Her face decreased a shade of red as she thought about it.

"Phil and you are growing up. You need to understand how lonely this house is going to be without you guys. Besides everyone deserves a second shot at happiness? I mean look at you, Sean, and that nice girl N-"

"Anyways I think I lost my appetite," I said turning out of the kitchen. I knew I was being dramatic but it was just uncomfortable now. Its not that I blamed her for anything. Its been close to six years since my father died. It was a plane crash and that was a day I didn't try to think of too closely.

I was back in my room and on my bed again to think it all through. If this guy had a daughter and hits it off with my mom, I'd have my very own evil stepsister. That thought I removed quickly because I started to think about her and how she would see things. She would be getting two step brothers. Things around here would also change with two extra people in our home. I think that was going to be my biggest problem. Having to follow a set of rules by a stranger in my home. Anyways there wasn't much else I needed to think about on that because it may never happen. Or so I kind of hoped.

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