Christmas Preference

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"No, Harry, you can’t wrap a present that way," you say, taking the tape and wrapping paper away from him. When he suggested he help you wrap the presents you thought it would help get things moving quicker…you were wrong. He had slowed you down, turns out your boyfriend was the worlds worst gift wrapper. 

“I thought I was doing a pretty good job,” he pouted looking over at his ‘completed’ pile. You peered around him and gasped, you were going to have to redo every single one of them and start over.

“Oh my god,” you whisper into your hand, “Harry those are awful” you begin to laugh because he is genuinely surprised you don’t think he did a good job. 

“Well let me see one of yours!” He refuted, looking around you to see a stack of pristinely wrapped presents, his face stayed determined as he grabbed one of your presents to compare. 

He held it up to next to one of his and examined them side by side. Yours was clearly better, with it’s tight corners and perfectly folded edges. Harry’s wrapping was loose and the tape was going everywhere, there was no competition who’s was better.

“After a close inspection, I see no difference,” Harry said with a sly smile. 

“Yeah right!” You laugh taking the present from him, “I am going to have to unwrap all of those presents,” you said pointing to his poorly wrapped stack of gifts.

Harry reached over you and grabbed a bow and stuck it on his head, “Did you say you are going to have to unwrap all of the presents?” He smirked leaning down to kiss you. 

“No just your poorly wrapped ones,” you laugh underneath his lips. 

“Well good thing I myself am poorly wrapped in clothes today,” he mumbled against your mouth as continued to kiss you, “I guess you’ll have to start with me,” 

You moan against his mouth and grin at your cheeky boyfriend, “I guess so” you say pulling off his jacket.


"Only 47 more cards to address Zayn! Don’t give up now" you say as you finish licking the envelope of the Christmas card addressed to his mother. 

“But this is so boring,” he sighs laying his head down against the table. You roll your eyes and start labeling another.

“We could do something fun if you would hurry up and help me finish these Christmas cards,” you say. 

Zayn looks up with one eye, “what would we do?” 

“You know that elf costume I wore to Louis’s theme party a few weeks ago,” you said suggestively. 

Zayn brings his head up and smiles slightly, “yeah what about it?” 

“Well I have not returned it to my cousin yet, and who knows,” you shrug with a knowing smirk, “if we finish on time maybe I will find sometime to put it back on before I have to give it back,” you looked at him to find his smile had grown.

“That sounds nic-” he paused, “wait…are you bribing me to do what you want with sex?” 

“Zayn” you faked gasped, “I would never,” he rolled his eyes and started addressing more envelopes.

“It’s a good thing you are a sexy elf,” he whispered begrudgingly as he filled out more labels.


God damn he was hot…Too bad your courage to go and talk to him was about the same as your courage to get into a cage full of tigers. You couldn’t help but look him over; His tattoo of arrows that ran up his forearm made your stomach twist itself into a thousand knots. The way his leather jacket fit his muscular body so perfectly made you tingle all over. You could only imagine what the scruff of his face would feel like against your-

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