His thoughts during your pregnancy

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Harry:  Oh, she fell asleep during our talk. I’m not that boring, am I? Well maybe she’s just tired. I couldn’t do that; carry human inside my belly nine months. Her belly is so big; I bet she can’t even see her toes. I bet I would look funny with that stomach… but I’m a man. Just like our little boy will be. Or girl, but then she’ll be a woman…Oh, I forgot to ask Y/N, when our baby can start eating bananas. I need to prepare…Maybe I’ll ask tomorrow. I don’t want to wake her up. Yeah, good idea, she would kill me.

 Liam: Oh my god, she’s in pain. What can I do? Okay, well I’m holding her hand. She’ll break it soon. Then I can’t hold my baby…I didn’t know she can scream that loud. This is horrible. This is awful. I did this to her. I’m such an ass… Head? HEAD! Oh, I can see our baby! Oh my god, she’s really pushing a human out. Wow…I didn’t really think that through… Shoulders! Arms! There’s fingers! We made fingers! The baby is out. That was awful. I don’t even want to ask Y/N is she in pain. I know she is. Wait, she’s smiling? The baby. Baby. My baby. There’s actually a baby. He has my hair. Oh my…I’m finally a dad. I can’t believe it…

 Zayn: Not again. What’s wrong now? Last time I left my fork to the sink. Her hormones are really acting now. She looks so angry, but so exhausted. When did I ever leave my cd to the dvd box? I wouldn’t do tha…Wait, no, I put my Ramones to there… Shit…What happened, why is she crying? I need to hug her. She’s beautiful even when she’s a mess. I just have to remember that she has more mood swings now. It’s all worth the baby. I can’t wait another four months. This is killing me. I just want to lie in bed with her, holding our baby and looking how he or she’ll fall asleep.

 Louis: What the hell is that smell? Oh it’s Y/N’s food. Wait, is that food? Ew…Raw pickles, nutella and bacon… I guess they didn’t joke about the cravings…Is there a joke about cravings? What did the pregnant lady said to her husband? I have graving but it’s not meat balls and sausage…hehehe…That was funny..I need to tell that to Y/N. She’s not laughing. I bet she didn’t get it. Okay, I’ll just kiss her lips and go to call Harry. I know he’ll be dying from laughter.

 Niall: Did she just say the baby is kicking? Like right now? NOW! oh okay, I need to get there. I need to get this mayonnaise out of my hands first. Should I yell to my boy to keep kicking? Does that mean he’s going to be a footballer? Of course it means it. Horan’s are footballers. Jeez this mayonnaise is good…oh yeah the baby! Oh it stopped already? Oh…Y/N looks sexy when she’s annoyed…hehe…Where did I put that mayonnaise?

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