Chapter 1

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"You didnt deserve to make it this long." I pull the knife out of my boot, making sure to keep the scum in front of me from moving.

"You allowed so many to die, You are the reason my Wife is dead, You are the reason why so many of us are fighting to barely survive. You're death is long and over due." I push the blade through his chest next to his sturnum, piercing his lung.

I throw him to the ground and walk over to the window, climbing out and making my way down the side of the building. I'll be able to get out of here quick enough to not get caught.

-Time Skip-

"Thank you Septiceye." A small boy says as i hand him a bag of bread and apples.

"Youre welcome." It always hurts to see kids like that. This whole thing still depresses me each day, All I can do is help the people who need me. "Keep safe little one." I say as he turns and runs... home i guess.

"Why do you do that?" A masculine voice says from a feet feet behind me.

"What?" I ask turning around to meet the gaze of a black haired man with black hair and a hints of asian features present.

"I've seen you come here everyday for the last month. And im just wondering why you do it."

"I have my reasons." I say calmly.

"Well, I'm glad you've been here. I havent see A lot of these kids smile like that since the disease spread."

I just smile lightly and look at the ground. "Well I need to get going, more people to give food to. It was nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too." He said the last word as if asking me what my name was.

"I go by Septiceye." I reply

"Okay, keeping your real name a secret?"

"It's better that way."

"No matter my name is mark. I'll see you tommorow i hope."

"See yea then." I Say, forcing a smile.

Mark turns and walks into a nearby building leaving me in the nearly empty streets.

I walk up the street in search of someone else to give the food i have to spare, eventually i see two woman one holding the other who seemed to be sleeping, it wasnt hard to tell they hadnt eaten much of anything in a while.

"HI." I say.

"We dont have anything please leave us alone." The woman who was awake answered.

"I can see you dont have anything, but i want to change that." I open my satchel and bring out a few pieces of fruit and vegitables. The womans eyes widened as she woke her sleeping companion.

"Krism. Krism. Wake up sweetie."

"Wh-Wha?" the woman whos name is krism aparently.

"This man. Hes giving us food."

I hand her the food and take a seat on the ground by them. Krism still isnt fully awake.

"So, whats you twos names? If you dont mind me asking."

"Its okay. My name is minx and this is my wife, Krism." She says motioning toward the woman who is fully waking up now.

"Its nice to meet both of you."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr?"

"Septiceye, call me septiceye"

"Okay,Septiceye. Thank you for this, How can we repay you?"

"Nope, youre not paying me for this stuff."

They both bring me into a hug. "Thank you so much."

"You're both very welcome."

"I hope to see you two in the future."

"Thank you agian, we hope to see you too."

I stand up and contiue my walk down the street with the little food i have left for myself. "Just enough, before i go back onthe hunt." I say to myself. I see the sun is begining to set. 'beter find myself a home for a few hours.

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